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Explore the universe of League of Legends, the world of Runeterra, and a global community of incredible fans. Dive into massive events, top-tier League esports, and unforgettable in-game experiences. With our focus on player experience, you can count on us to support and improve the game for...
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Worlds 2024公式グッズがRiot Store Japanに登場! 今すぐ商品をチェック! お知らせ2024/9/17
全文是:You are trying to open the league of legends game client in an invalid way.To successfully open the game client, click on the Play button and join a queue or create a custom game. 翻译是:你在尝试以一种无效的方式打开英雄联盟的客户端。要想成功打开游戏客户端,请点击“play”按钮,加入...
Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from Esportspedia.com. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted fro...
合成公式:爐縛之斧 + 靈巧披風 + 1000 20物理攻擊 30%攻速 20%暴擊率 10%跑速 被動- 靈魂華爾滋:普攻命中時,進入無視單位碰撞狀態並獲得1層7%額外攻速,最多累加5層(最高35%額外攻速)。 相關文章 遊戲更新 2023/11/21 2024賽季玩法聚光燈 快來看看峽谷一月即將上線的最大改動。
Yang "Yang" Gwang-pyo (Hangul: 양광표) is a League of Legends esports personality, currently head coach for Sengoku Gaming. He was previously known as Yeon.