Create, share and discuss strategy builds for the multi-player online battle arena, League of Legends. Fans can create team strategies, single strategies, vs strategies or theories including champion guides and rune builds. Start sharing your favorite Le
Choose Champion Build: Spells: Flash Clarity Ability Order Time in a Bottle Zilean Passive Ability Time Bomb Q Rewind W Time Warp E Chronoshift R Introduction Hello everyone, I think the name of this buid really sugests what Zilean is all about. That is blowing your enem...
After using his powers in an attempt to save his people from the Void, he now drifts through the past, present, and future, bending and warping the flow of time around him. Zilean has traveled from Runeterra’s mysterious creation, all the way to its seemingly inevitable ending, searching ...
Zilean Zoe Zyra COMP BUILDERreset comp SCORECARD 0% LaneTotal/Goal Top0/1 Jungle0/1 Mid0/1 ADC0/1 Support0/1 RoleTotal/Goal Hard CC0/3 Hard Engage0/2 Disengage0/1 Poke0/1 Waveclear0/1 Tank0/2 DamageTotal/Goal Physical0/1
Playing As Zilean You can combine the use of Time Bomb and Rewind to place two Time Bombs on a target quickly. Placing the second bomb will detonate the first and stun all nearby enemies. Time Warp is an effective way to enable allies to finish off enemi
Zilean, The Chronokeeper - League of Legends champion wallpapers, official skin artwork and fan-made art
While the Reddit post that brought the playstyle to the general public's attention was stylized around Kennen, the most common user of Frostmancy appears to be Zilean. Full damage To build all offensive items, contrary to generally building some defensive items for survivability. Consequently, ...
MP 400 (+ 40) MPR 8 (+ 0.8) MS 328 AD 53 (+ 3) AS 0.647 (+ 1.5%) RNG 550 AR 18 (+ 4.7) MR 32 (+ 1.3) Developer Info DDragon Key Cassiopeia Integer Key 69 External Links Universe Game Info Wiki wiki.leagueoflegends.comContents1...
There are some champions in League of Legends that have not received skins for a long time. Zilean and Dr. Mundo are two champions that had to wait over 1,000 days between skin releases, and they aren't the only ones Riot seems to have neglected. So, which champions deserve skins in ...
MP 330 (+ 45) MPR 7.5 (+ 0.55) MS 345 AD 63 (+ 3.4) AS 0.613 (+ 1.9%) RNG 125 AR 34 (+ 4.7) MR 32 (+ 2.05) Developer Info DDragon Key Singed Integer Key 27 External Links Universe Game Info Wiki leagueoflegends.fandom.comContents1...