Game Clear filter League of Legends Team Country Tournament prize pool Any prize Team Clear filter LGD Gaming Rival team Matches stats by game 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year All time Matches 3 Wins 1 Loses 2 Ties - Win rate 33% Roaster Matches Wins Loses Win rate Current ...
League of Legends韩服最大的交流地欢迎你目录: 网络游戏 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 30 关于某加速器带节奏恶意诋毁补充说明! 天王地虎... 0 现在买国籍卡是买单卡还是普通国籍卡 想做直播用一卡5号怕被连带 崇尚自由. 崇尚自由. 10:47 6 求助,中国到底哪里打韩服延迟最低? 纯纯的喵 只看物理距离...
League of Legends韩服最大的交流地欢迎你目录: 网络游戏 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 30 关于某加速器带节奏恶意诋毁补充说明! 天王地虎... 0 来个韩服能c的,黄金带价来 萌萌同学 萌萌同学 22:01 0 韩服300分 知名男辅 有无高手打打,顺便上上分,有加速器和特权 知名男辅 19:37 0 lol日服加速器...
韩服新号黄金双排 sameyt123 现在黄金1,我玩打野,一区800分水平,来个能自爆一路的线上 sameyt123 3-12 3 收个韩服0级号,有号商的 叶页夜夜夜 kzdddd 3-12 1 租一天加速器 有的私我v 伱卟懂de嗳 要小一 vk ak 好点的 不要垃圾雷神迅游 伱卟懂de嗳 3-12 7 怎么快速升到30级...
In terms of value i would pick this rune over Tethering Storm which only rewards you every 10minutes. But all in all its not very clever to pick scaling runes in the current meta. SchookingSkelYT·7/9/2018 Takes so fucking long to stack, over the course of a 30 min game assuming...
Alistar is a champion in League of Legends.[1] This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Alistar (Collection). For the expanded patch notes, see here. Alistar is voiced by Harlan Hogan. Alistar is an alte
Ardent Censer is a legendary item in League of Legends. Sanctify deals proc damage, and thus will not trigger spell effects. Sanctify's on-hit damage does not apply to structures. The bonus damage dealt by Sanctify benefits from life steal. Sanctify's d
The 2020 Vietnam Championship Series Summer Season is the second split of the third season of Vietnam's fully professional League of Legends league as an independent region. Eight Summer Season teams will compete in a round robin group stage, with the top four teams continuing to the playoffs...
League of Legends韩服最大的交流地欢迎你目录: 网络游戏 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 30 关于某加速器带节奏恶意诋毁补充说明! 天王地虎... 0 出个现韩服900分的号能改名 贴吧用户_... 出个现韩服900分的号能改名 贴吧用户_... 17:05 4 有没有出黄金铂金段位韩服号的便宜点的打野号 宴宇 Eanusi ...
Hsu "CDown" Wei-Lun (Hanzi: 徐偉倫) is a League of Legends esports player, previously jungler for COS City Hawk.