helper and ally app for TeamFight Tactics - League of Legends Strategy Game: Review the best builds, Item Calculator. Synergies Builder, Champion tiers, stats and much more.
Create, share and discuss strategy builds for the multi-player online battle arena, League of Legends. Fans can create team strategies, single strategies, vs strategies or theories including champion guides and rune builds. Start sharing your favorite Le
As one of the most successful spin-offs of the great great great (yes, one “great” is not enough) League of Legends, TFT is made up of the very same heroes you can find in LoL. The only difference is in TFT, instead of playing as one of the many champions in LoL, you get ...
So in Set 2, hold us to an even higher standard for balancing the game so that a wider variety of comps can win in a given patch. Disabling Effects We already knew this going into TFT, but abilities that disable your champions are perceived to be less fun. When designing abilities in ...
Get all the latest League of Legends tips, tricks and news direct from UnrankedSmurfs. Featuring the latest in eSports news, game updates, champion releases, competitions and more!
A community forum for League of Legends. Create share and discuss champion builds, team builds and other strategy ideas for LoL. Join our community of summoners and start sharing your favorite League of Legends strategy now!
Riot Games has just confirmed that Arcane, the League of Legends-inspired animated Netflix series, is a part of the Runeterra canon.
There were so many interns excited to contribute to this article that this year we’ll be doing a 2-part series. Intern stories are sorted into categories - the first post (this one) includes all blurbs forLeague of Legends, TFT, &VALORANT,and thesecond postfocuses onGeneral Game Tech &...
From the slums of Zaun to the peak of Targon, Runeterra holds a tremendous gradient of people and places. And in a lot of ways, League is...
Now that the entire League of Legends community has had its chance to figure out Teamfight Tactics, things are starting to fall into place. Strategies have evolved, favourite team comps hammered out, and I hear that at least some players have earned actual items from their creep rounds. And ...