Next up, in champ select, you'll be using the draft format you may have seen from competitive play--two ban phases, and two pick phases. Don't get caught off-guard! The team captain makes all the ban decisions for the team. All champions are unlocked in Clash, so don't worry about...
Explore the universe of League of Legends, the world of Runeterra, and a global community of incredible fans. Dive into massive events, top-tier League esports, and unforgettable in-game experiences. With our focus on player experience, you can count on us to support and improve the game for...
The premier destination for League of Legends esports coverage, including breaking news, features, analysis, opinion, tournament coverage, and more.
Champion Select is one of the most important parts of a game of League of Legends. Certain champions play very well together (have good synergy), and certain champions are very good against others (counter those other champions). It's important for each
On Champ Diversity in League of LegendsGreg Street
The wheel never stops turning. GG! Nidalee I love playing cat and mouse. I see you're no stranger to the wild. GG! Nunu Here we go! This was a lot of fun. GG! Rammus Ok. Ok! GG! Renekton I'll leave you all in pieces! One day, you will suffer! GG! Ryze I will ...
What happens to my old honor ribbons? They're going away because this is a total system overhaul. Think of this like a Galio-level champ rework, just for a system instead. What about my old Honor points? Gone too.
re: Champ Rework: Trundle quoteRegi524 Who here likes trundle? I love Trundle. He's in an okay spot right now, but his power curve with levels and items isn't near as good as others. He's not weak, just sort of the center of balance, which appears weak because of FOTM popularity...
-SUPER CHAMPS TRANSCEND BOUNDARIES enabling a unique and exciting journey beyond the confines of a single game -MEET BULLET LEAGUE LEGENDS - Joe Smok 'Em, El Fuego, Kiyoko in Super Champs academy! FAST MATCHES - EVEN FASTER MATCHMAKING
This concern is less mitigable in ARAM due to the nature of random champion selection. A player may also desire to play a champion that has been taken away by a different player in a previous turn of champion selection, either due to not having enough experience on other champions, or ...