Psychic Operations PsyOps-EzrealDer junge Draufgänger Ezreal ist der neueste Rekrut in der PsyOps-Eliteeinheit. Seine angeborenen übernatürlichen Kräfte werden nur von seinem aufgeblasenen Ego übertroffen. Er geht seinen Kameraden inzwischen der
Enter Arctic Ops.Arctic OperativesArctic Warfare CaitlynVery few snipers can cut it on the Arctic front. The cold is unforgiving, the winds are harsh, and any who dare brave the tundra find themselves at the mercy of Caitlyn, a sniper with deadly aim and a killer instinct. Arctic Ops Graga...
High Command needed a new group to handle the growing threats along the Arctic Front. They needed soldiers colder than the glaciers they'd be crossing, with ice in their veins and frosty nerves. Enter Arctic Ops. Arctic Operatives Arctic Warfare CaitlynV
West Studio is proud to work in collaboration with Riot Games on splash art illustrations for the most dominant force in games today: League of Legends. Riot Games Art Director: Jessica Oyhenart Final Polish: League Splash Team West Studio Art Director: Mingchen Shen Debonair Master Yi De...
PsyOps プレステージポイント アイコン Worlds 2020イベント プレステージポイント アイコン バトルクイーン プレステージポイント アイコン 月の聖獣プレステージポイント アイコン スペースグルーヴ プレステージポイント アイコン ...
League of Legends (Video Game 2009) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Had the great opportunity to illustrate the PsyOps Pyke splash! As usual thanks to Mingchen Shen and the League Splash Team for the awesome feedback that helped pushed it! In Collaboration with Riot G... 展开#英雄联盟 #league #of #legends #商业插图 #Work_illustration #Pyke #PsyOps #横图...
However I don’t think it holds up over the long term as well as some of the others – hence I had to give it a slightly lower ranking. 6. PsyOps Shen Credit: Riot Games Released: September 3rd, 2020 Price: 1350 RP Although this is one of the newer skins that came out, I ...
ージ PsyOps エズリアル プレスージ冬の祝福ワーウィック プレスージ双嵐龍ボリベア プレスージ スペースグルーヴ ナミ ランダミッドのバランス調整 ランダミッドファンの皆さん! 今回はアーナの終了に合わせて、軽めのパッチをご用意しました! 前回に引続き、サモナーズ...
The skin, Gun Goddess Miss Fortune, was found established as a Steel Valkyrie hidden in a text file of Bullet Angel Kai'Sa. PsyOps Samira PsyOps Samira Splash Art / League of Legends / Riot Games The skin, PsyOps Samira, was established as a PsyOps and hidden in the text file of Ps...