League of Legends wallpapers, champion splash art and fan artwork. Browse by: English client splash art Chinese client splash art Classic skins splash art Other official artwork Fanart Champions: Aatrox (2) Ahri (10) Akali (16) Alistar (11) Amumu (17) Anivia (12) Annie (21) Ashe (25)...
Splash art, voice actor, splash artist and set names can be seen by hovering the skin name. Set name can also be seen by hovering over the tick icon. Skin features were populated manually and not from any official source. Please report any misinformation
Sign in to edit This article contains a complete list of champion skins grouped by champion name and sub-grouped by availability. This article also denotes a champion's most recently released skin with a cyan glow (not visible on mobile), as well as documenting the amount of time (in days...
HPR 8 (+ 0.8) MP 280 (+ 40) MPR 7 (+ 0.7) MS 345 AD 60 (+ 4) AS 0.658 (+ 2.5%) RNG 125 AR 38 (+ 4.7) MR 32 (+ 2.05) Developer Info DDragon Key Poppy Integer Key 78 External Links Universe universe.leagueoflegends.com Game Info Wiki wiki.leagueoflegends.comContents...
The path to the spirit realm has illuminated once more, bringing with it a new host of mystical champions. These missions must be completed in order. Tales from the Rift Missions With bewitching skins this charming, who wouldn't want to be haunted?! These missions must be completed in ...
Legacy skins are fairly rare skins that aren't normally available for purchase in the store. You can sometimes find them in bundles or on...
Volibear(5) Warwick(17) Wukong(10) Xerath(7) Xin Zhao(13) Yasuo(4) Yorick(3) Zac(2) Zed(5) Ziggs(7) Zilean(9) Zyra(5) League of Legends Garen champion wallpapers gallery, including skins, official splash artwork and fanart.
A behind-the-scenes look at how we designed sound effects for the K/DA and True Damage skins.By Riot Cashmiir5 years ago Ask RiotRiot GameS This week, we’re answering your questions about TFT Mobile, Legends of Runeterra, and more.By A Whole Lotta Comms People, shio shoujo, Riot Dov...
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League of Legends Champions List of champions Free champion rotation Lane Lookup Events Collection Skins Chromas Summoner icons Emotes Wards Gameplay Items Runes Controls Minions Monsters Maps Summoner's Rift Howling Abyss Featured Game Modes Patch History Public Beta ...