While Mist Walkers are within a 1600-radius of Yorick, they gain 60 movement speed and benefit from Yorick's flat movement speed bonuses. Phase Rush is a percentual exception. Summons gain bonus movement speed when returning to Yorick. This movement speed bonus is based on the distance betwee...
THE PASSIONATE GUIDE TO TEEMO. Teemo build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Teemo Strategy Builds and Tools.
Void Corruption passive damage changed to 3%, stacking up to 3 times for a maximum of 9% from 2%, stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 10% LoL 11.10 Rune Balance Changes Phase Rush (Sorcery Keystone) Cooldown changed to 30-10 seconds (based on level) from 15 seconds Bonus movement...
The huge excitement of the many preseason changes last cycle may have simmered down a little, butLeague of LegendsPatch 13.21still has plenty to offer when it comes to champion changes. Recommended Videos This League update is ramping up the balance changes as Riot Games looks to square things...
Selling any stacking consumable item will no longer sell two of them at a time if there are more than one Karma’s W - Focused Resolve now properly lowers R - Mantra’s cooldown while damaging enemy champions Phase Rush and Electrocute activates properly when Poppy casts E - Heroic Charge ...
We nerfed a bunch of keystones in 13.20 but left out Phase Rush, as our primary goal was to reduce gold scaling, not blanket nerfing all runes. Out of concern for Phase Rush becoming stronger than we’d like, we’ve decided to nerf it for 13.21. We’ll only be nerfing this rune for...
Hitting a target multiple times with Petricite Burst will not add additional stacks of Electrocute or Phase Rush. Petricite Burst does not add stacks of Press the Attack to the target. Petricite Burst can be dodged, blocked, or missed while Sylas is blinded as the primary target but not as...
Damaging with Jax’s Q – Leap Strike followed by two basic attacks will now properly activate Phase Rush and Electrocute Twitch’s R – Spray and Pray empowered attacks now properly deal damage to the Nexus and enemy inhibitors regardless of range or angle Umbral Glaive now properly deals extr...
Luo "ON" Wen-Jun (Hanzi: 骆文俊) is a League of Legends esports player, currently support for Bilibili Gaming. He was previously known as Owo.
Riot Games. Developer of League of Legends, VALORANT, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra, and Wild Rift. Creators of Arcane. Home of LOL and VALORANT Esports.