Create, share and discuss strategy builds for the multi-player online battle arena, League of Legends. Fans can create team strategies, single strategies, vs strategies or theories including champion guides and rune builds. Start sharing your favorite Le
Figuring out the optimal ability order, summoner spells, and item build for your champion will help you succeed as a team. Abilities Summoner Spells Items Abilities Most champions have a unique kit made up of five abilities: a Passive, three Basics, and an Ultimate. These abilities are mapped...
THE PASSIONATE GUIDE TO TEEMO. Teemo build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Teemo Strategy Builds and Tools.'s just a for fun build. don't do it in ranked unless you are a madlad 2.AD thresh consists of mostly crit items with little focus on attack speed a typical full AD thresh item build has crit (IE and statikk) lifesteal (BT and death's dance) and berserker's greaves. if...
1 Item (League of Legends) 2 Rank (League of Legends) 3 Skarner/LoL Riot Store League of Legends Wiki Item (League of Legends) League of Legends Wiki Your Shop League of Legends Wiki ARAM League of Legends Wiki Howling Abyss (League of Legends) League of Legends Wiki Champion...
If you wanted the most ap without Athene's, I guess it would be Eye of the Watchers, Shurelya's Reverie, Twin Shadows and Ardent Censer. The fifth item can be whatever, since nothing else grants ap. This build has 195 AP, adding +10 AP from Sorcery and again +60 AP with Transcen...
max(build.milliseconds) AS maxDate MATCH (myPick:Champion)-[c:HAS_BUILD]->(build:ChampionBuild)-[:HAS_ITEM]->(item:Item),(build:ChampionBuild)-[:DONE_BY]->(p:Player) WHERE = 'Fizz' AND = 'Faker' AND build.milliseconds = maxDate RETURN AS item ...
Item Assets The number appended to the item filename corresponds to the item id. You can find a list of the items ids in the item data file. Other Summoner Spells ...
Epic item is one of the item classifications in League of Legends. Items of this type are built from Basic items and are usually components that build into Legendary items.
If you want the best League of Legends PC build, you'll want better parts than these above. Besides, these official system requirements are really old now. But as mentioned, the good thing is that since League of Legends isn't a demanding game you won't need much at all when it comes...