CAST TIME [Instant cast] ⇒ 0.75 second delay DECIMATE THE MEEK Darius now heals for 10% of his missing Health for each enemy champion hit by Decimate's Blade, up to a maximum of 30%. BLADE DAMAGE : [105/157.5/210/262.5/315] ⇒ 20/40/60/80/100 BLADE RATIO : [1.05 bonus...
Within the next few hours League of Legends URF Mode will be disabled. We had a lot of fun playing this gametype, and we hope you did too. Hopefully we will be seeing another new and fun mode from Riot Games in the coming weeks or months, but I’m not sure that anything can top ...
If you are looking to purchase a new League of Legends account you’ve stumbled into the right place. Buying a LoL account today can be very dangerous because you never know who previously owned the account. So if you have bad luck someone will take the account back in the future or res...
“And in an instant, they were betrayed. To change so forcefully... so completely... only to be cast aside. It filled them with an indescribable hatred. They would annihilate all of reality without a second thought.” Bel’Veth glides to a precipice overlooking a tremendous chasm. Far abo...
Cast Time: 0.01 seconds ⇒ Instant. V14.12 Slipstream Base health regeneration increased to 6 from 4. Armor growth increased to 4.5 from 4.2. V14.9 Stats Selection radius increased to 120 units from 75. Formless Blade AD ratio reduced to 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110% AD from 90...
Pull (knocked in a direction toward the point of cast, and in some cases over the point of cast)To expand upon the countering of airborne, consider that the effect is made up of two components: a movement modifier (called a "move block" by Riot, referring to a chunk of code) and th...
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story (or Ruined King) is a story-driven, turn based role-playing game (RPG) developed by Airship Syndicate and published by Riot Forge. Set after the events of Burning Tides, players take control of Miss Fortune, Illaoi,
Note that there are also actions outside of this list that violate our Terms of Service and may result in a ban, like win-trading or boosting. Can my suspension/ban be removed? Suspensions/bans from the Instant Feedback System are generally not lifted or adjusted, and correctly ...
Azir turned away, just as the first rays of the new dawn struck the Sun Disc overhead. He'd seen enough. The sand image of the transformed Xerath collapsed behind him. The dawn sun reflected blindingly off Azir's flawless golden armor. In that instant, he knew that the traitor still li...