將自己腦海中的東西呈現在紙或畫布上就像呼吸一樣,是活著不可或缺的事。 這點對《英雄聯盟》最新的英雄,中路法師「赫威」來說尤其如此,他將腦中滿溢的藝術遠見用畫筆表現出來,但他的媒材並非畫布,他的作品十分生動,是可以影響觀者的活畫像。 赫威可以用他的畫筆形塑破壞或支援的意象,控制周遭人物的思想與情感。
赫威會先用技能對敵方英雄造成傷害,完成筆跡,標記對方。用兩個造成傷害的法術命中敵方時,會在他們腳下的地面留下赫威的筆跡。筆跡會在一段時間後爆炸,並對範圍內的所有敵軍造成魔法傷害。 赫威的被動能促使他融合不同的技能(而不是單純反覆重施QQ而已),幫助他將技能發揮得淋漓盡致,並且造成最大的傷害。對於三分法...
Hwei is currently the champion with the largest number of abilities in League of Legends: 11 when excluding his subject selection spells, and 15 when including them. Hwei's kit obeys the rule of thirds in multiple aspects: He has 3 × 3 basic abilities. His passive requires two damaging ...
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Prepare the canvas, choose your colors, and get ready forLeague of Legends‘ final champion release of the year: Hwei, the Visionary. Recommended Videos Based out of Ionia, this troubled artist clashes against criminals while comforting their victims by using his gift to bring terror to w...
Hwei the Visionary: League of Legends’ Newest Champion GamingLyfe.comNovember 20, 2023 League of LegendsMOBARiot Games Riot Games Drops New Virtual Band HEARTSTEEL and Debut Track “PARANOIA” GamingLyfe.comOctober 23, 2023 League of LegendsLeague of Legends: Wild RiftRiot Games ...
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Easter eggs in video games have become a fun way for developers to reward players for accomplishing a random and sometimes skillful feat. In League of Legends, there are more than several Easter eggs planted in the game. This article will dive into the E
Winterblessed Hwei - 1350 RP Chromas Some chromas can only be found in specific ways, such as through loot or as influencer exclusives. Each of the following chromas can be purchased individually for 290 RP —except for Ruby, which only comes as part of the bundle. Winterblessed...
Use your wards wisely:Don’t replace wards right after they’re destroyed out of spite; it’s a waste of wards, and wards tend to be more valuable than an oracle or pink ward. Simply keep them and place them again when nobody’s counterwarding, or place them somewhere else. Your 3 ...