DJ Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Concussive (Bassnectar x Renhold__r) _ Music - League of Legends 04:43 DJ Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Kinetic (The Crystal Method x Dada Life) _ Music - League of Legends 03:55 DJ Sona_ Ultimate Concert _ Skins Trailer - League of Legends 01:3912...
联盟-DJ琴女超清MV DJ Sona- League of Legends 9.1万播放 Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Concussive (Bassnectar x Renhold__r) _ Music - League of Legends :43 Sona’s Ultimate Skin Music_ Kinetic (The Crystal Method x Dada Life) _ Music - League of Legends :55 Sona_ ...
DJ Sona is one of Sona's 9 skins (10 including Classic). Loading Screenview imageSplashview imageCategories Categories: Skins Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April 2014 and ...
DJ Sona will be available to purchase in the store for the foreseeable future. :)What does DJ Sona come with?Like other ultimate skins, she comes with 3 icons that provide unique summoner profile banners when equipped. Here is an example of one of the profile banners:...
Feel the bass. Hear the beat. Let the music move you. DJ DJ Sona Chromas: Concussive, Ethereal Music
Sona is a champion in League of Legends.[1] This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Sona (Collection). For the expanded patch notes, see here. A Power Chord consists of a double root and the fifth, ofte
SPL | League of Legends 65,156个粉丝 显示以前的 2 条评论 12 条评论 Skudeyman Anastasia 1 显示点赞 5 8月 2018 Bulygin Gosha haHAA 5 8月 2018 Frelyordsky Sergey 回复了 Viktor Виктор,тыпридумалмемкоторомутригод...
League of Legends - Legends Never Die ( cover by J.Fla ) 179 人观看 0:54 Ahri - Texture Update - All Affected Skins 27 人观看 11:13 League of Legends DJ SONA Login Theme 214 人观看 1:14 LiQuiD StRiPeS - Pulsefire Ezreal Login Screen HD 9 人观看 3:38 Classic Neeko, ...
欢迎收听由主播听友17717244为您带来的“League of Legends - Champion Select (Draft Pick Normal Mode)”精彩有声内容,该音频时长6分,已被收听154次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“Marian Hill - One Time”、“League of Legends - Challengers”,下载喜马拉雅APP,收听更
League of Legends - Champion Select (Draft Pick Normal Mode) 137 2018-08 3 Immediate Music - Tales of the Electric Romeo 460 2018-08 4 Danny McCarthy - Silver Scrapes 358 2018-08 5 Bla5ted - 影流之主 180 2018-08 6 Bassnectar,Renholder - DJ Sona Concussive ...