and those brazen enough to cross the dragons would pause at the thought of their own fortunes being reduced to molten slag and windblown ash. Long after Grandmother Viper passed into legend and her brood was much diminished, the young king— Viego Santiarul Molach Vol Kalah Heigaari—called...
All matches are best of three Matches are "fearless draft", a team can only pick any champion once during the whole match. Top 4 from Group A qualifies to Playoffs Top 4 from Group A and bottom 3 from Group B stay in their respective group for Split 2 Other 12 teams play Replacements...
Telt-múlt az idő, a fiú férfivá érett, és egyre több felelősség hárult rá, így Smolder bármennyire is vágyott rá, egyre kevesebbet tudtak együtt játszani. Az unatkozó Smolder ezért úgy döntött, elkezdi gyakorolni a tűzokádást, hogy olyan legyen, ...
A kill is the event of reducing an enemy champion's health to zero and successfully causing them to enter the death state. Triggering resurrection does not count as a kill. The last player to strike the target champion is awarded with the kill, and all c
Besides the current playable PvP maps such as Summoner's Rift (5v5) and Howling Abyss (ARAM), The Female Classic Announcer has also been used on discontinued maps and modes such as Twisted Treeline (3v3), Snowdown Showdown (Legend of the Poro King), Crystal Scar (Dominion), and Nexus ...
There are some champions in League of Legends that have not received skins for a long time. Zilean and Dr. Mundo are two champions that had to wait over 1,000 days between skin releases, and they aren't the only ones Riot seems to have neglected. So, which champions deserve skins in ...
SmolderGeorgie Cordova Kidder SonaErin Fitzgerald (2020, 2010) DJ SonaErin Fitzgerald PsyOps SonaErin Fitzgerald Soraka (2012)Lisa Lindsley Dawnbringer SorakaLisa Lindsley Nightbringer SorakaLisa Lindsley Immortal Journey SorakaLisa Lindsley Soraka (2009)Lisa Lindsley ...
Smolder Základní útočné poškození se zvýšilo. Posilování dle šance na kritický zásah z pasivky se zvýšilo. Cena u Q je nižší a zvyšování dle šance na kritický zásah výraznější. Po mikropatchi chceme dát Smolderovi trochu víc šťávy, ...
Smolder Hwei Ziggs Leona Nautilus Ornn Nami Kennen Milio Zilean És néhány egyéb változás: Frissítettünk néhány régebbi végső képességet, hogy egyezzenek a mai formájukkal Visszatér az automatikus Sújtás, a dzsungel jelenlegi helyzetéhez igazítva ...
We want to provide diversity in his build while still allowing Attack Speed to be one of the better build paths. For the Dragon Upgrade, we wanted to focus on offensive power like the other Dragons. That said, Smolder is meant to benefit less from this bonus than his 1- and 2-cost co...