Porofessor 獲得遊戲內應用程式 版本: 15.2 6,327,741場對戰 (過去2天) 聯絡人 - Privacy - TOS - - - ... 慨影打野42,892 場對戰 ( 過去2天 ) 首頁 > 概覽 > 慨影 概覽 統計數據 職業玩家配置 對戰 符文 技能 道具 召喚師技能 打野路線 慨...
Mastery, playful competition, and discovery.By Volty6 years ago Authors You Might Like Riot KateyKhaos Senior QA Analyst Katey Anthony Spends her time looking for Moonstones Game InfoWhat is League of Legends? Download League of Legends now and join the tens of millions already competing. ...
Eternals is a premium champion mastery system in League of Legends,[1] designed to proudly showcase personal accomplishment on the champion. In lore, Eternals are the physical homages of forgotten deities from across Runeterran history. The Runeterra Pr
I used to be a darius main, currently 210k mastery, but that's low, I stopped playing him shortly after mastery came out, I should prolly have closer to 600k-1000k, I have about 400 hours on darius alone. Most of it was on pre-rework darius, but i don't mind sharing the knowle...
GameplayThe Human Side of Emotes How Riot’s Player Labs team helps us make better decisions about League and the stuff surrounding it.By Tha Duke, Rafearsin & Nancymon7 years ago GameplayChamp Popularity: Mixing Math & Art Lee Sin? Thresh? Yasuo? Thanks to data—and colorful graphs—we ...
Inside this folder, there are five subfolders which contains the fundamental tables of the database. These are the following: champion_mastery- contains the champion mastery data of each player match- contains the match history of each player ...
While the sentence, "It was the best thing that has ever happened to me," seems simplistic, Aditya quickly redeems himself from the cli- ché with a sentence that shows his mastery of the English language. He writes, "That is something of a hackneyed phrase; people cheapen the extremes...
6,877,610 查看更多 最佳Mobafire攻略 Urgot enjoyer 通過 (46天前) GoliathGames' Ultimate Guide to Urgot (Tips on EVERY Matchup! / 5M+ Mastery) 通過I Am Goliath (8天前) All Guides LeagueOfGraphs.com isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Rio...
Inside this folder, there are five subfolders which contains the fundamental tables of the database. These are the following: champion_mastery- contains the champion mastery data of each player match- contains the match history of each player ...
While the sentence, "It was the best thing that has ever happened to me," seems simplistic, Aditya quickly redeems himself from the cli- ché with a sentence that shows his mastery of the English language. He writes, "That is something of a hackneyed phrase; people cheapen the extremes...