LeagueOfGraphs.com isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends ©...
数据网站leagueofgraphs统计了英雄联盟各段位玩家,在单双排、灵活组排中的挂机率。 #英雄联盟#
The League of GraphsApk has been one of the most popular paid appsin the Android Market. If you want to make money online with yourmobile phone, then this is the app that you must download and start using. Thisappmakes it easy for you to find friends and keep in touch with them whil...
熱門英雄 1. 伊澤瑞爾 24.1% 2. 吉茵珂絲 21.8% 3. 凱特琳 18.1% 4. 凱莎 16.4% 5. 露璐 16.4% 最佳英雄 1. 寇格魔 53.4% 2. 沃維克 52.4% 3. 凱爾 52.4% 4. 露璐 52.2% 5. 黛安娜 52.2% 禁用英雄 1. 梅爾 67.8% 2. 露璐
Leagueofgraphs(LoL Champions & Summoners Stats & Rankings): We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summone...
近段时间在国外根据网站“LEAGUE OF GRAPHS”统计,今年峡谷中挂机率最高的五位英雄分别是:布隆,亚索,剑圣,狗头,劫。在单双排挂机率统计中,青铜段位是最高的,依次是白银黄金波金钻石。不过呢这次的统计并不包含咱们中国样本,毕竟在咱们中国基数大的情况下,很难有一个比较完善的统计。 分享714 猩红收割者吧 Awy歌...
According to league of graphs Darius is currently globally (in all ranks combined) sitting at a 49.9% WR. You can barely even get closer to 50%. Sure his winrate rises as high as 51.4% in diamond and above games (the highest recorded winrate btw, no clue how you came to the conclusio...
Superior demonstration of skill in the heat of the battle "We're not even playing the same game."Following the path to victory, or opening one for allies "Create the path. Light the way."Keeping yourself and allies in the fight
Ian Jones MLB, NFL & MLS Writer With a background in content marketing, literature, and design, Ian has been bringing a little bit of everything to SBD since 2021. In addition to having penned articles for Eighty-Six Forever, Ian can and will talk your ear off over almost any sport yo...
分享1013 英雄联盟吧 S1RIU5 无聊跑去看了下league of graphs,这四人根本是冲着排行榜去打的吧 +6 分享1赞 游乐园汉化吧 未来式灬的萌想 能否汉化这款游戏。。。《英雄联盟 League of Her简介:英雄联盟League of Heroes是一款走休闲风的RPG游戏,画面很细腻,杀怪的感觉也挺爽,最大的亮点就是 分享151 andr...