REG500 Error Registration code could not be fetched from server.Note: This is an unrecoverable error. Inform the user that the application is unavailable. Open a ticket using Zendesk and inform the user that the system is temporarily unavailable. n/a Yes From v4.0 Yes From v3.0 Yes from 3....
with this web site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of such requests, the method used for submitting a given request to the server, returned file size, a numerical code relating to server response status (successfully performed, error, etc.)...
https://www.aurora-racing-league.com https://discord.gg/RqV8RQrwcw
prompt: true]) { (accessStatus, error) -> Void in switch (accessStatus) { // The user allows the application to access subscription information. case VSAccountAccessStatus.granted: // Do nothing. // The user has not yet made a choice or does not a...
{"__typename":"FailureReason","message":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","key":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","args":[]}}},"shortTitle":"FC Mobile Technical Issues","replies...
I joined a new league and they removed me from the group when I was trying to join new league the error came stating that you have been in another league or... - 8094360
I have been trying to access league and couldn't even if I'm invited by a friend it is saying error to reach level 3 or reach expert I'm confused but I'm at... - 8095863