-修复了一些小错误,以实现更流畅的用户体验。 应用截图 <> 多平台下载 Android版 LeafSnap APP v2.4.8 安卓版 直接点击下载 直接点击下载 LeafSnap识别植物app v2.3.0 苹果版 去App Store下载 包名:plant.identification.snap MD5:9e320d233707676379250af69542a7a0...
When you discover a beautiful wildflower or unusual-looking shrub, you struggle to discern its genus. Instead of wasting time trawling through websites or asking your gardener friends, why not simply take a snap and have an app do the work for you? Leafsnap can currently recognize 90% of al...
leafsnap识别植物是非常强大的手机识物小工具,它可以根据树叶来识别植物的品种。大家只需用手机拍下相关植物的照片,然后在该软件内进行扫描识别,很快就能知道拍照植物的所有信息,感兴趣的朋友快来体验吧! leafsnap app介绍 当您发现一朵美丽的野花或外观不寻常的灌木时,您很难辨别它的属。与其浪费时间浏览网站或询问您...
Terms of Use: https://appixi.net/terms-of-use/ Privacy Policy: https://appixi.net/privacy-policy/ About Us https://plantidentifier.info/ https://appixi.net/ https://leafsnap.app/ What’s New 3 Feb 2025 Version 2.59 Hello, plant lovers!
I have never been up to date with watering my plants and I like reminders and adding new plants. Speaking of which, I feel the app can include a feature of search bar when you want to add a new plant. I had lemon grass and I knew the botanical name, but I clicked the image of ...
More information can be found on the Natural History Museum website. The City College of New York developed and tested curricular materials that use the Leafsnap app to help middle school students notice, group, and contextualize street trees in the patterns of evolution. Curricular guide and ...
有爱疯的童鞋有福了 哥伦比亚大学和马里兰大学开发的植物辨识app,现在提供iPhone版下载,iPad和Andriod版coming soon。 http://leafsnap.com/ 赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 。光本 (白驹过隙,请珍惜。) 2011-05-07 17:39:55 感謝分享。我已經下載,很驚喜。由字母排列A-Y,樹葉的正反面,開花,結果都有相關...