1.安装:首先,确保你已经引入了 Leaflet 库。然后,通过 npm 安装 leaflet-easyPrint:npm install leaflet-easyprint。 2.引入:在 HTML 文件中引入 leaflet-easyPrint 的 CSS 和 JS 文件。 3.配置:在初始化 Leaflet 地图时,设置easyPrint为 true,启用打印功能。 4.调用:使用L.easyPrint().addTo(map)来调用打...
Leaflet官方网站:https://leafletjs.com/ leaflet-easyPrint GitHub仓库:https://github.com/rowanwins/leaflet-easyPrint 总结: 在Typescript应用程序中使用leaflet-easyPrint是为Leaflet地图库添加打印功能的一种方法。leaflet-easyPrint是一个简单易用的Leaflet插件,允许用户在浏览器中生成高质量的地图打印输出。它提供...
1、插件地址 GitHub - rowanwins/leaflet-easyPrint: A leaflet plugin which adds an icon to print the map - Demo @ http://rowanwins.github.io/leaflet-easyPrint/ 2、下载源码,引入所需的bundle.js文件,完整示例代码 <!doctype html> leaflet实现打印效果 html, body, #map { padding: 0; m...
leaflet-easyPrint 一个简单的leaflet插件,它添加了一个图标来打印或导出地图。 Features Supports resizing to predefined sizes (A4 Landscape & Portrait) as well as custom sizes Supports saving to png, as well as printing Compatible with both Leaflet v1+ and 0.7 ...
在公司的项目中用到了leaflet,同时添加了一个导出地图为png的功能,这个功能通过leaflet-easyprint插件实现,由于项目中会用到在线和离线两种地图源1、离线地图源://{z}/{x}/{y}/7;2、线上地图源(两个版本): 1、旧版本:`http://mapUrl: '//webrd0{s}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile...
A leaflet plugin which adds an icon to print the map - Demo @ http://rowanwins.github.io/leaflet-easyPrint/ - leaflet-easyPrint/index.html at gh-pages · Lourival-ETI-BR/leaflet-easyPrint
npm install leaflet-easyprint 选项 您可以将许多选项传递给插件以控制各种设置。 选项 类型 默认 描述 标题 细绳 “打印地图” 设置显示为“打印/导出”按钮的工具提示的文本 位置 '左上方' 放置打印按钮 sizeModes 大批 Current 可用的选项包括Current , A4Portrait , A4Landscape或 defaultSizeTitles点...
Huge hats off go tomournerand all thecontributorsto the leaflet.js project, it's an amazing piece of open source software! Also usesdom-to-imageandFileSaverunder the hood. About A leaflet plugin which adds an icon to print the map - Demo @http://rowanwins.github.io/leaflet-easyPrint/ ...