这个项目是leaflet(一种简洁而强大的WebGIS js库)的一个插件,项目介绍如下: image.png image.png 返回geoJson如下格式: { "type": "FeatureCollection...还好源码层次分明,根据功能分成了不同的函数,我们发现除了结果添加到地图一个是用lea...
CIL_Image_Viewer 该图像查看器利用Leaflet库和CodeIgniter PHP库浏览高清晰度图像。 该图像查看器能够显示共焦图像,电子断层扫描z堆栈图像和时间序列图像。 该用户界面包括图像控件,例如缩放,平移,对比度调整,亮度调整,移动Z堆栈位置,移动时间位置和注释绘图功能。 这些事件中的每一个都将触发Javascript中的Web服务调用...
Leaflet|©OpenStreetMapcontributors Here we create a map in the'map'div, addtiles of our choice, and then add a marker with some text in a popup: varmap = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09],13); L.tileLayer('https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribut...
A IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) viewer for Leaflet. Demo Jack Reed leaflet-rastercoords Renders large tiled images generated with gdal2tiles-leaflet. Image raster coordinates can be used to set markers, etc. Demo Commenthol TileLayer.DeepZoom A TileLayer for DeepZoom images...
...,只需要三步即可完成调用 1、创建viewer对象 2、使用Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.load()方法加载GeoJSON数据 3、将加载的GeoJSON数据添加到viewer...中 由于Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.load()方法是异步的,我们这里使用await 的方式执行代码,首先我们将需要的GeoJSON数据拷贝到相关文件夹,然后在vue的...
A IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) viewer for Leaflet. Demo Jack Reed leaflet-rastercoords Renders large tiled images generated with gdal2tiles-leaflet. Image raster coordinates can be used to set markers, etc. Demo Commenthol TileLayer.DeepZoom A TileLayer for DeepZoom images...
rastercoordinatesleaflet-plugintiled-image-viewer UpdatedSep 25, 2023 JavaScript Leaflet.LabelTextCollision is a LeafletJS plug-in to display labels on vector data while avoiding label collisions. mapmappingleafletlabelsleaflet-plugin UpdatedApr 1, 2022 ...
Minimalist image viewer based onLeaflet.jsandElectron. Image byJoefromPixabay. 👍 Features Pan & Wheel Zoom Browse the images in a folder Grid view Available in17 languages Auto update(only on macOS) 💻 macOS & GNU/Linux You can download the latest version ofLeafViewfrom the releases page...
bl.ocks.orgis a viewer for code examples which are hosted on Gist. You are able to load your code into Gist, and then from bl.ocks.org you can view them. This is a really great way for people to provide examples of their work and there are many who do. However, it’s slightly ...
“Write Leaflet-based viewer” has been checked to make it easy to verify the result of the tiling operation Note that you should also set the “Directory” to be the directory into which you’d like to save the tiles and map viewer. ...