当时发现MapboxGL不好弄,改成了leaflet地图,leaflet插件很多,找到https://github.com/IvanSanchez/Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated图片编辑插件,但发现操作无法保证图片不变形,所以做了些改造,这里顺便做个笔记以便日后查阅。 1、Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated插件原理分析: 添加图片要传入3个顶点坐标,topleft, topright, b...
1、Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated插件原理分析: 添加图片要传入3个顶点坐标,topleft, topright, bottomleft,也是可以拖拽的三个控制点。 1varoverlay =L.imageOverlay.rotated(imgUrl, topLeftPoint, topRightPoint, bottomLeftPoint, {2opacity: 0.9,3interactive:true,4corners:[],5w:null,6h:null7}); 图片添...
The image will be rotatedandskewed (as the three corner points might not form a 90-degree angle). Demo http://ivansanchez.github.io/Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated/demo.html Usage To instantiate aL.ImageOverlay.Rotated, specify the image URL, the three corner points, and anyL.ImageOverlayoption...
Search & popups Area/overlay selectionEdit geometriesAllows users to create, draw, edit and/or delete points, lines and polygons.PluginDescriptionDemoMaintainer Leaflet-Geoman Geometry Management for Leaflet 1.0 and higher. Draw, Edit, Drag, Cut, Rotate, Split, Scale, Measure, Snap and Pin Layer...
Area/overlay selectionEdit geometriesAllows users to create, draw, edit and/or delete points, lines and polygons.PluginDescriptionDemoMaintainer Leaflet-Geoman Geometry Management for Leaflet 1.0 and higher. Draw, Edit, Drag, Cut, Rotate, Split, Scale, Measure, Snap and Pin Layers like Markers, ...
本篇demo 实现是在leaflet-webpack 入门开发系列二加载不同在线地图切换显示(附源码下载)基础上优化而实现的,核心就是 leaflet 的 Control.Layers 控件,默认的底图切换以及叠加图层只有选中以及文字,没有图标样式的效果。 效果图 实现思路如下 自定义底图切换,添加图标样式 // 构建图片形式的标题及图例 const getImage...
-- 修改地图样式 -->.leaflet-zoom-animatedimg{ -webkit-filter:invert(50%)grayscale(0.5)saturate(0.5)brightness(1.6)opacity(1)hue-rotate(334deg)sepia(10%)!important; -ms-filter:invert(1)grayscale(0.5)saturate(0.5)brightness(1.6)opacity(1)hue-rotate(334deg)sepia(10%)!important; -moz-filter...
js Scale/rotate/drag plugin for leaflet image overlay layers Version0.0.1LicenseMIT INSTALL Type:ESMDefault Version: No default JS fileset by the package authorso the URL is guessed. You can alwaysbrowse all package filesto use another one...
In the below example, the image will be initialized with "freeRotate" handles:img = L.distortableImageOverlay('example.jpg', { mode: 'freeRotate', }).addTo(map);If you select a mode that is removed or unavailable, your image will just be assigned the first available mode on ...
img=L.distortableImageOverlay('example.jpg',{mode:'freeRotate',}).addTo(map); If you select amodethat is removed or unavailable, your image will just be assigned the first availablemodeon initialization. Limiting modes: Eachmodeis just a special type of action, so to ensure that these ar...