I'd have to mention this for pmuch every Pokemon that comes after Pokemon Tower. It's not per se a problem, but given that I basically have had no issues with sequence breaking when we tiered the thing, I don't think it's worth an explicit mention anywhere (outside of ...
Nonetheless, it is a very solid pokemon. to C: its late availability is bad enough as is (imagine not having your psychic type in time for koga lul) but what really kills Slowbro's shot at a higher tier is its speed. 30 speed suck dick, no way around that. Maybe if you were...
- Pokemon locations have changed - New items - Items sorted by Type - Moltres moved from Victory Road to One Island - Running Shoes included- Secret bases are gone - No mixing records - No TV Shows - No Contests - No RS Pokemon without trading (With the exception of Wynaut, Azurill, ...
SS 节点免费发放:https://t.me/sslist SSR 节点免费发放:https://t.me/ssrlist SSR 节点国际共享:https://t.me/ShadowsocksRssr V2ray 节点免费发放:https://t.me/v2list SSR SHARE 免费 SSR:https://t.me/gyjclub Google Hosts:https://t.me/googlehosts Google Hosts 广播频道:https://t.me/goo...
tg 机器人推荐:https://t.me/tgbotlist Telegreat Project:https://t.me/Telegreat Telegram Passport:https://t.me/TelegramPassport Plus Messenger official:https://t.me/plusmsgr KeralaGram [Official]®:https://t.me/KeralaGramChannel Challegram:https://t.me/Challegram X Plus Channel:https://...
The absolute definition of consistency, but fails to achieve the form of dominance I expect from the top level Pokemon. Sweeps only the matchups where it has type advantage, something at the top tier should be able to carry at least some amount of neutral matchups as well. Even then ...
Also going to try and work on a slate for tommorow to see what seems odd in the tier list and needs more testing before the write ups. Reactions: PokemonCrusader, BP, Kurona and 1 other person Kurona Mar 3, 2021 #132 Thank you dancing thanos! Despite the fact that these ...
Reactions: Wukong, PokemonCrusader, Texas Cloverleaf and 1 other person Texas Cloverleaf This user has a custom title RoAPL Champion Aug 18, 2021 #177 I was going to go through the list and comment on all placings but then I realized I agree with most of them and that would ...
Really interesting post that highlights really well the Pokemon you tested ! I don't think Machamp and Doduo will be contested because they are pretty straightforward (and Machamp was tested in the previous thread anyway) and it's cool to see progress in the list. I'm also glad to see...