The tomato leaf miner (TLM), Phthorimaea absoluta Meyrick, 1917 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is a destructive invasive insect that has expanded its global distribution. Rapid and accurate identification of invasive pests is essential to support subsequent
Chen W, Gong L, Guo Z et al (2013) A novel integrated method for large-scale detection, identification, and quantification of widely targeted metabolites: application in the study of rice metabolomics. Mol Plant 6(6):1769–1780 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Chin HS, Wu YP, Hour AL...
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Detection of the TYLCV complementary DNA strand during and after viral acquisition access periods. According to the RCR mechanism, if TYLCV replicates in B. tabaci, neosynthesis of a com- plementary strand is required. To detect this strand, we designed an anchored real-time PCR to spe- ...
To study whether OLE was able to induce oxidative stress, ROS production was investigated in MDA-MB-231 and OVCAR-3 cells by using DCFDA Cellular ROS Detection Kit (Abcam). The assay is performed using the fluorogenic agent 2′,7′- dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFDA), which is able to di...
A review on machine learning classification techniques for plant disease detection Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Commun. Syst. (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, IEEE (2019), pp. 281-284, 10.1109/ICACCS.2019.8728415 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Solís and Rojas-Herrera, 2021 M. Solís, V....
[2]. Meeting this demand is predicted to depend largely on increasing yield through genetic improvement. However, in recent decades, internationally coordinated public wheat breeding efforts have focused on increasing resistance to disease and abiotic stress, while raising the genetic yield potentialper ...
monspeliensis extract can contribute to prevent several diseases like senescence, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiosclerosis, stenocardia, cancer, and so forth and recover the function of impairment intestinal absorption. 0.001, 0.01% (w/v) of C. monspeliensis increased ATP production (Figure 2) and,...
Ascochyta blights cause yield losses in all major legume crops. Spring black stem (SBS) and leaf spot disease is a major foliar disease of Medicago truncatula and Medicago sativa (alfalfa) caused by the necrotrophic fungus Ascochyta medicaginicola. This
Papaya leaf curl disease (PaLCuD) caused by papaya leaf curl virus (PaLCuV) not only affects yield but also plant growth and fruit size and quality of papaya and is one of the most damaging and economically important disease. Management of PaLCuV is a challenging task due to diversity of ...