Passive and active control techniques have both been explored. Passive techniques include the use of high solidity rotors that reduce the lift coefficients of individual blades, leading edge slots and leading edge slats. Active control techniques include steady and unsteady blowing, and dynamically ...
5.5.5 DATCOM method for leading edge slats and flaps Though leading edge flaps, that is, hinged nose sections on airfoils, have been the subject of much study they are not used on any commercial aircraft. The leading edge slat is the most common leading edge device in wide use. The leadi...
Light airplane - Stalling - SlatsAn investigation has been conducted by means of wind-tunnel tests of a full-scale mockup of a light twin-engine airplane configuration to determine the effects of outboard partial-span slots and of auxiliary airfoils ahead of the leading edge of the wing in ...
high-lift devices; morphing; design optimization; droop nose; trailing edge flap1. Introduction High lift devices such as leading edge (LE) slats and trailing edge (TE) flaps have been effectively employed for many years to increase the lifting performance of aircraft wings during take-off and ...