Kotter, John Po.V. (1996): Leading Change by John P. Kotter; in: Soundview Executive Book Summaries, 10, Teil 2The Ontario Highway Traffic Act Cross Referenced to Selected Regulations, Edward J. Waud (2009) Leading Change, John P. Kotter, Boston Mass. USA, Harvard Business School ...
Kotter J. (1990)’What leaders really do’,HarvardBusinessReviewMay—June: I03—II. Google Scholar Kotter, J. (1995) The New Rules: How to Succeedin Today’s Post-Corporate World, NewYork: The Free Press. Google Scholar Kouzes, J.M. and Posner, B.Z. (1989) TheLeadership Challenge, ...
Kotter JP. Leading change: Harvard Business Press; 1996. Google Scholar Richter A, von Thiele SU, Lornudd C, Lundmark R, Mosson R, Hasson H. iLead—a transformational leadership intervention to train healthcare managers’ implementation leadership. Implement Sci. 2015;11(1):1–13 Available ...
Substituting its spike protein by the other species such as porcine amino peptidase could change the host cell tropism of the MHV. The resulting recombinant corona virus pMHV thus only infects porcine cells via the porcine amino peptide N (pAPN) receptor. In vitro studies have shown that the...
Kotter, M. R., Zhao, C., van Rooijen, N. & Franklin, R. J. M. Macrophage-depletion induced impairment of experimental CNS remyelination is associated with a reduced oligodendrocyte progenitor cell response and altered growth factor expression. Neurobiol Dis 18, 166–175 (2005). Article CAS...
Leading change: by John P. Kotter. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1996. 187p. $24.95. ISBN 0-87584-747-1. LC 96-20263doi:10.1016/S0099-1333(97)90081-1MarthaL.HaleSDOSJournal of Academic Librarianship
This chapter outlines John Kotter's model of leading change, emphasizes the importance of selling by emotional drivers of the intended audience, and sets out the steps required in this stage. This chapter gives instructions on how to access, free of charge, a PDF of the suggested worksheets ...
Summary: Leading change - John KotterLumby, JackyFoskett, Nick
Leading Change: A Model by John KotterRose, Kenneth H
All major project implementations are deeply affected by the success or failure in leading and selling the change. This chapter explores the work of Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan in The Three Laws of Performance and John Kotter's Leading Change. It explains the importance of Harry Mills' "self...