“The sad thing is that we could do different things to prevent those deaths that we’re not doing at the state level and we clearly need to do more at the local level, too, to address what is the number one of cause of accidental death in Travis County aga...
The highest amount of deaths related to chronic liver disease and cirrhosis were reported in New Mexico (24 deaths out of every 100,000) and the fewest amount were reported in Utah (7 out of every 100,000). The highest amount of accidental deaths stemming from hazardous accidents were report...
Injuries cause 5 million deaths every year.They are also a leading cause of demand for medical care and recovery services.People of all ages are affected, but some groups are more at risk.For example, for people between the ages of 5 and 44 years, six of the ten leading causes of death...
2 Potential explanations are fear of accessing health care or misattribution of COVID-19 deaths to other causes.4 Accidental deaths (including drug overdoses and unintentional alcohol poisoning), assault, and suicide remain major causes of death in the US, particularly in younger age groups; the ...
"The largest proportions of these are motor vehicle accidents anddrug overdoses," said Anderson, noting that this category does not include intentional overdoses that lead to suicide. The number of accidental drug-related deaths has been on the rise amid a growing epidemic ofheroin and opioid pa...
This progress has been greater for heart disease and for accidental deaths than for cancer, yet even for cancer the age-standardized death rate has been decreasing by 1.1% per year since 1993. Less favorable developments are the slowing of the decline in age-standardized mortality rates from ...
Childhood motor vehicle deaths declined 41%, but are still the leading cause of unintentional deaths. By state, the data varied widely from as little as 4.0 to 25.1 per 100,000 during 2009.The high numbers of preventable accidental deaths highlights the attention that is still needed in ...
of vital statistics data on mortality in the United Statesfrom 1970 to 2002.Main Outcome MeasureThe age-standardized death rate and number of deaths (coded as underlyingcause) from each of the 6 leading causes of death: heart disease, stroke,cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ...
Accidental deaths have been dropping overall, with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) claiming more lives than accidents in recent years. Prevention has helped, though certain groups (Black children in particular) have had a higher risk for suffocation accidents than others. ...
Bereavement outcomes for parents who lose a child to cancer: Are place of death and sex of parent associated with differences in psychological functioning? Despite increasing cure rates, cancer is a leading cause of non-accidental death in childhood. Models of psychosocial care in pediatric cancer ...