Educational Studies and Psychology, 11 (1), 211 -234.Aboutorabi R, Javadi Kalate TJ. Philosophical Minded- ness & leadership styles in higher education: The case of ferdosi university of mashhad. Studies in Education 2010, 11(1):211-34. [In Persian]...
The survey was conducted to check how leadership styles of supervisors influence faculty job satisfaction and compare the opinion of supervisors and subordinates. Findings: The empirical research revealed significant positive impact of leadership style on job satisfaction of faculty where servant leadership ...
leadership and higher education management to interrogate the effect of virtuality on leadership styles within the volatile global higher education environment caused by the liberalisation of the sector. Through a case study of a higher education institution (HEI) that is developing a virtual campus, ...
This study explores leadership in higher education. It is essential for professionals at the university level to be aware of successful practices to better serve students and fellow staff. By investigating leadership skills and styles, this research sheds light onto successful practices when working in...
leaderstoadoptdifferentleadershipstyles,butfemaleleaderslikelyparticipativeintheir leadershippositionsandtrytoadoptdemocraticleadershipindifferentcultures. ©2011GrowingScienceLtd.Allrightsreserved. Keywords: Culture Gender Leadershipstyles HigherEducationInstitutes ...
(2015). Leadership styles at Syrian higher education: What matters for organizational learning at public and private universities? International Journal of Educational Management, 29(4), 477-491.Khalifa, B., & Ayoubi, R. M. (2015). Leadership styles at Syrian higher education: What matters for...
Investigating the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Performance in Higher Education Purpose: This research aimed to uncover the role of leadership style in the performance of higher education institutions (H.E.I.s) in Zambia. Methodology: ... CK Tembo,K Tabalasa,F Muleya 被...
The study was aimed at analysing learning styles, learning strategies, and learning approaches altogether in order to identify psychological variables likely to explain academic achievement in college students. Data were gathered using the locally adapted versions of the Honey-Alonso Questionnaire of Learni...
Third Trend: From Leadership Styles to Educationally Powerful Leadership Practices and Cognitions Abstract constructs like transformational leadership and instructional leadership provide only the most general guidance to people in schools about what they need to do in order to help schools improve. While ...
To this end, this paper explores the relationship between the two leadership styles and innovation atmosphere in enterprises. The intermediary role that trust and individual identification play in the relationship between leadership style and innovation atmosphere is examined as well. We conduct a survey...