But truly effective leaders don’t lose sight of their values; that’s a significant factor in their long-term success. Hold on to your principles, filtering your decisions through that lens. Whether you bend to external pressure or not, you’ll face criticism and backlash – so you might ...
Despite the challenges of career advancement for women in the corporate sector, where only 5.2% of S&P 500 CEOs are women, business and management—the educational field that develops many of these industry leaders—has its own advancement challenges for women that are not widely publicized. For ...
Brooks teaches students tested advocacy principles – e.g., moral ambition, perfect/imperfect victims, concentric/consecutive coalitions, and scholarship — to address these issues, including the particular strategies of the arc of advocacy. To provide an experiential element, students in MLD-375 work...
While the term “resilience” is used often in modern workplaces, many military commanders are still uncertain what resilience actually “is” (despite knowing that they want their personnel to have more of it). This uncertainty is understandable as there is no universal definition of resilience w...
Police leadership is a key focus for police practitioners and academics. However, little attention has been paid to the relationship between police leadership and police culture. In a policing field where, in rhetorical terms, leadership is presented as a means of limiting the damage caused by occ...
By way of illustration, the US military identifies six key treatment principles for managing operational stress reactions (brevity, immediacy, contact, expectancy, proximity, and simplicity; or BICPES; Judkins and Bradley2017). The Australian military uses a similar construct called PIES (proximity, ...