Competency is among the important qualities of an effective leadership. In its most basic form, the anatomy of leadership is a matter of character and competence. As a leader, the leader must be seen by his followers being an expert in our field or an expert in leadership. Unless his follo...
Among various leadership styles such as transformational, authentic and spiritual leadership, servant leadership is considered the most humane [6,7,8]. This approach is driven by a genuine desire to help others, as highlighted by [9, 10] In a servant leadership culture, leaders prioritize the ...
The concept of distributed leadership has been discussed in many scholarly contexts and a variety of attempts to define it have been made in the literature. The concept is not synonymous with shared leadership, nor does it imply that “everyone leads” (Harris, 2008). Fundamental to most concep...
with theory, which describes the world in terms of rules, generalizations and universals. It is how to approach the debate between ‘relevance’ and ‘rigour’ that has plagued the management academics for so long. It is to handle paradoxes and dilemmas like these that evolution has equipped us...
Most clearly from our research thread is an affirmation that hard things are associated with increased resiliency in the lives of leaders. While suffering and hardship may not always result in resilience, it has this developmental potential in our lives. Beyond resiliency, there is good reason to...
There is no doubt that, within a university, the most fundamental set of governance relationships are between the triangle of the governing body, the senate/academic board and the variously described vice-chancellor’s executive committee. It is often forgotten that the UK university system contains...
Whether or not leadership itself can be taught, there is no question that there are a number of core skills that most good leaders have. These skills can be learnt like any others. Skills Good Leaders Need There are a number of broad skill areas that are particularly important for leaders....
Most empirical findings indicate that instructional leadership is associated with a moderate and positive correlation with teacher professional learning responses, as evidenced by studies such as Karacabey et al. (2022) and Liu and Hallinger (2018). Nevertheless, there are instances in previous studies...
During my most challenging places in my own leadership journey, I longed to have a circle of like-minded people who would gather around me and help illuminate the path for me. It is for that younger version of me, who spent more than one lunch break crying alone in a dark corner of ...
In truth, ethicalleadershipis comprised of numerous different qualities. But we like to think that the six listed below are the most important: Responsibility Ethical leaders embrace the power and duty that comes with their position without abusing it. ...