This study examines how technological and relational factors independently and interactively predict the perceived learning success of doctoral students enrolled in online-based leadership programs offered in the United States. The 73-item Online Learning Success Scale (OLSS) was construc...
• Associate, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degree programs • Day, Evening, and Online Classes • Financial Aid to Those Who Qualify • Job Placement Assistance Available • Military-friendly, scholarships for qualified active duty personnel, Veterans, and dependants. Yellow Ribbon progr...
Creating equitable pathways to master's, doctoral, & certificate programs 6% Black students represent less than 6% of incoming master's and doctoral students at research institutions. Jobs that require a master's degree or higher at entry-level are projected to be the fastest-growing segment of ...
Doctoral ProgramsInstructional LeadershipEducation MajorsHigher EducationProgram DevelopmentAcademic AchievementProblem Based LearningThis article presents the case of a professional doctorate program in educational leadership at Saint Louis University (SLU). This Ed.D. program was designed to prepare students ...
(Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education) Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community. He is a distinguished member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, pursuing a doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University, and recently accepted a community service award from the ...
· 100% online programs at associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level. * · Transfer up to 90 credits into an undergraduate degree program. · Up to 50% of your master’s degree can be transferred in to help you get the most out of your hard work and maximize the credit ...
Mr. Balboni has traveled widely including two and a half years residing in Istanbul while researching his doctoral dissertation on the lasting impacts of Westernization and European imperialism on the state of contemporary Turkish democracy and society. While at Berkeley, he taught undergraduates in ant...
she moved to the University of Bath to start her own research group. She now has an active group with multiple PhD and masters students, and post doctoral researchers working with her on projects related to functional materials. They focus on synthesis of functional porous materials, encapsulation...
Doctoral Students' Learning Success in Online-Based Leadership Programs: Intersection with Technological and Relational Factors This study examines how technological and relational factors independently and interactively predict the perceived learning success of doctoral students en... HK Lee,H Chang,L Bryan...
Discuss these options with the Dean. The key is tofollow God’s passion within your heart. Students in theMaster’sandDoctoralprograms earn approximately 30 credits for each degree from specific courses, and the remaining 10 credits by doing practical ministry work and earning “practica” credits...