Leadership Development Relevant Competencies Maintain self-awareness Develop relevant skills Recognize that a strength can become a weakness Compensate for weakness Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p. 189-210) Leadership Development Relevant Competencies...
Good and Bad Leadership Leadership is something that is developed over time. As you develop your leadership skills, you will find there are many types of leaders. A good leader is? A bad leader is?
42、ectivesLevel 2: Contributing Team Member contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives and works effectively with others in a group settingLevel 1: Highly Capable Individual makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and good work habits(Jim Collins,...
Leadership领导力24372PPT课件 LEADERSHIP Chapter11 .1 LeadershipMatters….➢Intellectually ▪historically,psychologically,sociologically ➢Politically ▪societally,culturally,globally,communally,&perhapsidealistically ➢Practically ▪productively,economically,idealistically ➢Personally ▪interpersonally,ethically...
Tap into knowledge and skills of all workers 新的模式:开发所有员工的知识和技能, We can’t see our own blind spots 我们不能看见自己的盲点 One-on-one discussions can solve many issues 一对一的讨论可以解决很多问题 Deep learning lets workers discover the answer by themselves 深刻学习,让员自己发...
Contributing Team Member contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives and works effectively with others in a group setting Level 1: Highly Capable Individual makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and good work habits(Jim Collins, 2001, Good to Great...
•Basicpremise:inchangingworld,effectiveleaderswouldexhibitdevelopment-orientedbehavior •3rdseparatedimension:valuesexperimentation,seekingnewideas,&generating&implementingchange.•Wentback&lookattheoriginalOhiodata,-wasn’tcriticalinthosedays;positiveevidentin1990sdynamicenvironment.Chapter11Leadership §11.4...
Expert power(专家权力 ) The influence a leader can exert as a result of his or her expertise, skills, or knowledge. Referent power(参照权力 ) The power of a leader that arise because of a person’s desirable resources or admired personal traits. Developing Credibility and Trust Credibility (...
the organization needed skills Being absolutely trust worthy and role model learn-do-teach providing coaching/wisdom. Personally build and value diversity allowing people to do things their way versus your way . 25 Enable: Build Capability What signals a need for more? You do not have regular...
商务英语实训课程unitLeadershipLEADERSHIPPPT课件 Chapter11 BasicApproachestoLeadership 第1页/共24页 LEARNINGOBJECTIVES Afterstudyingthischapter,youshouldbeableto:➢Contrastleadershipandmanagement.➢Summarizetheconclusionsoftraittheories.➢Identifythelimitationsofbehavioraltheories.➢DescribeFiedler’scontingencymodel....