To be a good leader, help people acquire the skills they need to accomplish what you are asking of them. Give your staff or team members opportunities to take courses, attend seminars, and earn certifications that will help them become more qualified in their position or profession. Organize s...
having been brought from the field to corporate headquarters to, according to my bosses, bring a fresh perspective. The CEO asked me what my strongest impression was so far and I replied, “There are four or five hundred
While the introduction of full cost fees and the relaxation of student number controls may have been the largest governance change in the last 20 years we should not forget the impact of research selectivity, now crystalised in the Research Excellence Framework (REF), and the impact of the Teac...
I was ambitious when I was in the Army. I’m ambitious now. When I teach a class, I’m always eager to get back to course review and see where … I want to be number one. It’s almost like Bill Parcel often said, “As long as somebody’s keeping score, I want to...
In 1942 he enlisted in the Army Air Corps, where he flew 35 missions in the European theater as co-pilot on a B-17. He was awarded the Air Medal and several Oak Leaf Clusters for his service with the 95th bomb group stationed in Horham, England. After the war, Clark attended Mines....
Hess writes that “The U.S. Army Special Forces believes that adaptability—learning—is predicated on self-efficacy, resiliency, open-mindedness, mastery achievement motivation, and tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty.” Too often we sabotage our own learning by our need to be right. We need...
The field of engineering has made only slow and modest progress at increasing the participation of Indigenous people; an identity-conscious focus on leadership in engineering may help connect the practice of engineering with Indigenous students’ motivations and values. Methods: This study utilized a ...