第一部分:从三个维度介绍了领导力的属性分类:character,presence,intellect。其中第一章主要介绍美军的职业素养 (Army profession)以及美军的领导力能力模型。第二部分:介绍了核心领导能力以及他们的应用 core leader competencies and their application2.1 第五章主题是lead:leads other;build trust;extends influence ...
perhaps, if leadership and ethics were treated as belonging to a single domain. Ethics is an aspect of leadership and not a separate approach that exists alongside other approaches to leadership such as the trait approach, the situational approach, etc. This holds especially true for the...
Acclaimed as emperor by the army at Eboracum (modern-day York) after his father's death in 306 AD, Constantine emerged victorious in a series of civil wars against the emperors Maxentius and Licinius to become the sole ruler of both west and east by 324 AD. 9 Muhammad Muhammad (c. ...
After the end of the Great War, Mitchell began campaigning for the creation of an independent branch of the U.S. military that would be focused strictly upon air power. His ideas were radical and threatening and were fiercely resisted. The army had thought air power should be subservient to...
When I was in the Army, we created something called the“Pro-Reading Challenge”–which boiled down to: Read a book and talk about it with your team. So simple, and yet so impactful. It is the kind of simple leader development tool that any leader can put into practice. ...
The new membership model is not perfect – no product of fallible humans could be. But itisthe product of a serious and careful effort over the past year and a half to make the best decisions possible. And to the army of state leaders (staff and volunteer) for the hundreds of hours the...
El-Erian3 summed this up by saying: It sounds like a cliché but we operate in a world of constant change, increased speed, complexity, volatility and uncertainty. Since 9/11 the US Army War College referred to this turbulent environment as the "VUCA" World. The repercussions from the ...
we had this huge influx of energy and enthusiasm and optimism into the workforce every year. The Army takes advantage of it. Of course, that’s where we get our recruits, coming out of high school. But so too does the business world and academia, corporate America. What I t...
You may remember the story ofCincinnatus. As the legend goes, The Roman army was surrounded. The country was in need of a leader who would seize the moment and turn the situation defeat into victory. They called upon a man who was out plowing his field, a farmer. He came. He saw. ...
PREDICTION has never been easy – or that accurate. Over and over again, forecasts and models fail us. And when they do, they won’t go away because the agenda behind them lives on. As a model or a forecast is designed to do, we become “recruited into an army of believers.”“The...