The most well known figure of late Antiquity, mainly for his restoration, albeit partially successful, of the Roman Empire.PlatoAt the end of the game, Plato is worth 7 victory points for each set of 7 Age cards (brown, gray, blue, yellow, green, red, purple) in the player's city....
leaders whose impact reverberated far beyond their lifetimes, leaving a lasting legacy that transformed the civilizations they led.Julius Caesar As a brilliant military strategist and charming statesman, Caesar played a vital role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. His...
still have relevance thousands of years after their deaths, the world continues to produce religious leaders—Martin Luther and his Reformation in Europe, Ruhollah Khomeini12 and his Islamic Revolution in Iran, John Paul II and his more than 25-year leadership as head of the Roman Catholic ...
Catherine the Great expanded Russian territories, and modernized Russia’s culture. Even though she was seen as a dictator in Russia, she wanted the rest of the world to perceive her as an enlightened monarch. She was one of themost famous old ladiesto rule the country. @ Johann Baptis von...
In the midst of a grim financial crisis, governments are strident in pronouncing none of it to be their fault. Greedy bankers with their fat bonuses have been established as the villains, just as they used to be hailed as captains of commerce who drove the economy forward and contributed to...
Taking the throne of the Roman Empire during a period of extreme strife (he passed in 69 CE, known as the "year of the four emperors"),Galbareigned for just seven months, during which he became unpopular with citizens and soldiers. ...
Julius Caesar (Roman Empire) Gaius Julius Caesar, known by his cognomen Julius Caesar, was a Roman politician and military general who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Calvin Coolidge (United States) John Ca...
Ch 2. History of Ancient Greece Ch 3. Hellenism and the Athenian... Ch 4. The Rise of the Roman Republic Ch 5. The Fall of the Roman Empire Emperor Augustus Caesar | Titles, Reign & Death 9:47 Augustus' Propagandists: Virgil, Horace and Ovid 12:41 Emperors of the Julio-Claudian...
Hey, we never said obeying the letter of your promise rather than the spirit always ends poorly for everyone. Sometimes, it means a happy ending. For another example of this, look to the 1140 Siege of Weinsberg. Conrad III, of the Holy Roman Empire, was frustrated with Welf of Altorf,...
forward with great interest to seeing the movie,Agora. I did see the movie and, for the most part, was not disappointed. A historical drama set in Hellenstic Egypt near the end of the Roman Empire, the movie among other things tracks the adult life of one of the ...