In the waning centuries of the Roman Empire, these fierce warrior leaders tested their mettle in brutal clashes with the Romans, and with each other.
related phrase make a conquest of...; the conquest of space; Empire Conquest Example 1 He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939. Example 2 The pianist made a conquest of every audience for which she played. 8 amass [ə'mæs] vt./vi. (amassed/amassed/amassing) to collec...
Ara: History Untold is starting out with quite an impressive line-up of leaders and nations – with a lot of emphasis being placed on the leaders. These are not just recruited from among the lists of statesmen and stateswomen, but come from all walks of life. Some of the additions were...
The son of an army officer who was raised to the position of Caesar, Constantine went on to reunite the Roman Empire under the rule of one man: himself. He founded a new imperial capital in the east, Constantinople (home of the Byzantine Empire), and enjoyed military victories. However, ...
ending the Byzantine empire. This date also marks the beginning of the Renaissance, since the waves of Greek refugees spread knowledge of Greek throughout Europe. Included with the newly available Greek manuscripts were the Corpus Hermetica, Plotinus, and the works of the Neop 1453年,君士坦丁堡落...
Blomkamp explains: “Obviously, there's much more of a population on the main planet, but the ships will go out and get the minerals and the ore and whatever resources they need and then bring them all back home.” It is actually part of an even bigger structure. “The other thing is...