Austria-Hungary was a dual monarchy and Empire that controlled Austria, Hungary, and portions of East Europe that would later be part of different countries. It was ruled by a unitary monarch, and had a partially symbolic legislature that would become more prominent as the Empire collapsed as ...
Who was involved in the Franco-Prussian war? What did Austria-Hungary do in WW1? Where was the first battle of WWI? World War I was sparked by the murder of the archduke who was heir to the throne of which country? What event caused Great Britain to enter WW1? What was the role ...
In Power 1934-1945 Born 1889 Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary Died 1945 Berlin, Germany Nationality German Hitler (1889-1945) was a very prominent and infamous German politician. He eventually became the leader of the Nazi Party and became the catalyst of establishing Germany as a Nazi nation....
Event-triggered leader-following consensus of UAVs carrying a suspended load. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP’19), Vienna, Austria, 27–29 May 2019. ‡ These authors contributed equally to this work....
Event-triggered leader-following consensus of UAVs carrying a suspended load. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP’19), Vienna, Austria, 27–29 May 2019. ‡ These authors contributed equally to this work....
Władysław Gomułka(born February 6, 1905, Białobrzegi, near Krosno,Poland, Austria-Hungary—died September 1, 1982, Warsaw, Poland) was the first secretary of theCentral Committeeof the PolishUnited Workers’ Party, the rulingcommunist partyof Poland, from 1956 to 1970. ...
After theBalkan Warsof 1912–13 endedOttomanrule in the Balkan Peninsula andAustria-Hungarywas defeated inWorld War I, theParis Peace Conferenceunderwrote a new pattern of state boundaries in the Balkans. The major beneficiary there was a newly createdKingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, whi...
Miklós Horthy(born June 18, 1868, Kenderes, Hung., Austria-Hungary—died Feb. 9, 1957,Estoril, Port.) was aHungariannaval officer andconservativeleader who defeated revolutionary forces inHungaryafterWorld War Iand remained thecountry’shead of state until 1944. ...
adisputebetween France and Germany over the harbouring in the German consulate of German deserters from theFrench Foreign Legionbrought renewed tension between the two countries. Austria-Hungary urged calmness on the Germans, and in February 1909 a joint agreement was signed, recognizing the economic...
adisputebetween France and Germany over the harbouring in the German consulate of German deserters from theFrench Foreign Legionbrought renewed tension between the two countries. Austria-Hungary urged calmness on the Germans, and in February 1909 a joint agreement was signed, recognizing the economic...