Verse 13. And lead us not into temptation] That is, bring us not in to sore trial. PEIRASMON, which may be here rendered sore trial, comes from PEIRW, to pierce through, as with a spear, or spit, used so by some of the best Greek writers. Several of the primitive fathers understo...
“Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’”
Study Bible Book ◦ Chapter Her feet go down to death;This phrase warns of the ultimate consequence of following the path of the adulterous woman, symbolizing temptation and sin. In biblical context, "death" often signifies not just physical demise but spiritual separation from God. The ...
Bible. The ultimate goal is not application, but rather transformation. Rather than just changing what we do, we allow the Living Word to change us into who He wants us to be. This is a lifelong process. As Christ changes and transforms us, we naturally begin doing what He wants us to...
Not only did Jesus model a heart for the poor, He also modeled a willingness to live among the poor. The very incarnation—Jesus breaking into our world to live among us—is the ultimate picture of this reality. But He also modeled this in specific ways in His seeking out the company ...