If you received an unwanted email about this or that (I received one over the weekend), take a deep breath, count to ten and give that person over to Jesus (I’m still working on that one, to be honest). If you’ve got to take a break, take it. If you need to hand off some...
David Bengali,Van Gogh’s Ear, Ensemble for the Romantic Century Andrezj Goulding,People, Places & Things, National Theatre/St. Ann’s Warehouse/Bryan Singer Productions/Headlong Peter Nigrini,SpongeBob SquarePants Finn Ross and Adam Young,Mean Girls ...
This paper focuses on the branch of Santmat (thus far, unstudied by scholars of Indian religions), prevalent in the rural areas of Bihar, India. Santmat—literally meaning “the Path of Sants” or “Point of View of the Sants”—of Bihar represents a unique synthesis of the elements of ...