Byline: Mark Guarino Daily Herald Music CriticGuarino, Mark
We already have a drummer (鼓手), a bass guitarist, a keyboardist and a singer. We want to play music from bands like Oasis and Radiohead. Contact (联系): Scott. Phone: 555-1967 Email: scottrock@ Keyboardist for an all-girl R&B/ Pop band ...
The vocalists on this list have sung for bands like The Beatles, Metallica, Guns N' Roses and The Rolling Stones to name a few. But which lead singer is also the lead money maker? There's no better job on the planet than being the front man/woman for a major rock band. Not only ...
Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant had long aspired to front a blues band, a dream he achieved when he formed the Honeydrippers in 1981. The group released only one record, 1984’s ‘The Honeydrippers: Volume One.’ In support of the LP, Plant appeared on 'SNL' for the only time in hi...
“The National Anthem.” For its second song of the night, the band delivered a frenetic version of “Idioteque,” with singer Thom Yorke gyrating throughout like a man possessed. The enthralling performance helped cement Radiohead as one of the most original and innovative band’s of their ...
We already have three singer. We want to play music from bands like Oasis and Radiohead.guitarists, a keyboardist and a singer. We wamt to play music from bands Contact (联 ) Coldplay and U2. You should not be a beginner and you should have Phone: 555-1967your own drum ...
(t手), a bass guitarist, a keyboardist and a We need a boy or girl who can play drums.We already singer.We want to play music from bands like Oasis and Radiohead.guitarists, a keyboardist and a singer.We want to play music Contact(联系)Scott.Phone:555-1967Email:scottrock@musicom....
On her 12th LP, Sheryl Crow returns to the breezy pop-rock she regularly supplied to radio at the turn of the century. DespiteEvolution's title, there isn't much reinvention or progression here; this is well-crafted, hook-filled music made by a singer-songwriter who's rediscovered the joy...
We already have a drummer, a bass guitarist, a keyboardist and a singer. We want to play music from bands like Oasis and Radiohead. Phone: 555-1967 Email: scottrock@musicom.netKeyboardist for an all-girl R&B/ Pop band Can you play the keyboard? We are looking for a girl who likes...
Trent Reznor, Dave Grohl and others, the creative spotlight is placed directly on QOTSA, who created a timeless masterpiece with their sixth album. Birthed out of a near-death experience for Josh Homme,…Like Clockworkreaches classic Radiohead levels of artsy brilliance and mass appeal. — Grah...