While you most certainly have to disclose your knowledge of lead-based paint in the home, you do not have to test for the presence of lead-based paint. If you haven’t done a test and no one told you there is lead paint, you are not forced to test. A certified lead-free home, h...
To get on the EPA website as a lead testing firm, you must have your Lead-Safe Firm Certification. To apply for your firm certificate, go here:https://www.epa.gov/lead/getcertifiedand enter your company information to start a new application. It is a $300 fee every five years, and ...
为什么要做CPC认证Sec.101.Children’s productscontaining lead,lead paint rule儿童产品含铅,油漆含铅条例101节)Sec.102.Mandatory third party testingfor certain children’s product.某些儿童产品需强制通过第三方测试(102节)... 分享回复1 巴恩斯利吧 安德曼陈酿🍒 【新闻】博比·哈塞尔与板球明星之间的碰撞...
New Lead Paint Laws take effect on April 22, 2010. Dwellings built before 1978 must be tested and worked on by certified remodelers. Learn more about this new law.
into innovative solutions. Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications. Develop, implement, document libraries, frameworks, and components, within scope, cost, time & quality constraints. Build quality into agile product lifecycle encompassing requirements, design, code, testing, ...