Indiana's premier lead paint certification company for contractors, home flippers, landlords, maintenance companies, and property managers. Fines are $37,500 lper violation per day. Get certified!
Lead Paint Classes LSR/RRP and Abatement Whether you’re seeking Abatement or Renovation level certification, we offer live classes and select virtual classes tailored to initial and refresher needs. VIEW ALL CLASSES Did You Know? We also offerprivate classes. We’ll go to your company and teach...
Lead Paint Certification By Todd Fratzel on Painting and Finishing, SafetyTweet Update: This article ran several months ago but we’re running it again because several states have now adopted their own training and certification programs. See the last paragraph of this article for additional infor...
EPA lead certification classes near me Everybody is looking for a lead based paint certification training course in a nearby location. And now all the contractors can take the course from the comfort of their own home. As you may know, the EPA renovate, repair, and paint rule says that an...
Since there is no hands-on component, the certification is only good for 3 years. The EPA/HUD required Initial Lead Paint Class (RRP) is only available live due to hands-on training requirements. More about RRP rules and Classes Our next Initial Lead Paint (RRP) course is on Dec. 16,...
SRM 2569 Lead Paint Films for Children's Products is a new Standard Reference Material (SRM) developed for use primarily with X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) instrumentation. It consists of three paint coatings, with nominally 0, 90, and 300鈥塵g/kg of Pb added, on polyester substrates...
We also offer Lead Abatement Classes – a 4 day class that certifies lead abatement workers and supervisors for the State of NH. We offer EPA certification for dust sampling technicians (DST). This certification qualifies you to collect dust samples for HUD and other projects, and submit them ...
Hands-on with Lead-Safe Certification They dedicated a portion of the class to hands-on testing methods. At the time, this made for theonlymethod in existence. A Certified Renovator had to use approved methods to detect the presence of lead in the paint. While we now have three test metho...
Browse Classes Learn More Featured Clients unparalleled testing services Fast test results, guaranteed Because we use the absolute newest and most accurate XRF technology on the market, and because we’ve been doing this for 24 years, we consistently meet or exceed customer expectations. ...
enforcement action against renovation and repair firms for violationing the rule's certification requirement until October 1, 2010. For individual renovation workers, the agency will not take enforcement action as long as those workers have applied for, or enrolled in, training classes by Sept. 30...