Lead Hazard Information Pamphlet; Notice of AvailabilitySusan B. Hazen
Title X - Section 406(b) Lead hazard information pamphlet 800-424-LEAD /lead /offices/lead Renovation of pre-1978 housing: Renovators, multi-family housing owners, managers receiving compensation shall provide the lead hazard control pamphlet to the owner and/or occupant prior to such activity. ...
thehomeownermustprovidethe renovationfirmwithasignedstatement. Thisopt-outprovisiondoesnotaffectthePre-Renovation EducationRulerequirementthatrenovationfirmsprovidea leadhazardinformationpamphletbeforebeginninga renovation. September2008RRPFinalRule-Overview 6 Pre-RenovationEducation Existingregulationexpandedtocover child-...
Finally, the RRP rule only applies to individuals or companies who are compensated for work that disturbs LBP. The RRP rule does not apply to homeowners or uncompensated individuals; however, homeowners should consult the “Renovate Right” EPA pamphlet and the EPA website. ...
that requires that tenants and buyers receive a pamphlet titled “Protect your family from lead in your home”; be provided with information about lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards in the home; and a statement that the landlord/seller has adhered to all lead notification requirements...
You are also required to give potential buyers a pamphlet explaining the presence of lead in the home, who is at risk, and what the new owners can do to minimize the potential harm the lead paint could cause. The pamphlet,Protect Your Family from Lead in the Homeis available on the Envi...
California's Proposition 65The Safe Drinking Waterand Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986California's Proposition 65PROPOSITION 65This pamphlet provides general background information about California's Proposition 65.It is not intended as a su... P. Abelson - 《Epofs Views on the Commissions Initiative on...
(c)(3)oftheToxicSubstancesControl Act(TSCA)toaddresslead-basedpainthazards createdbyrenovation,repair,andpaintingactivities thatdisturblead-basedpaintin“targethousing”and “child-occupiedfacilities.”– Formoreinformation: http://.epa.gov/lead/pubs/renovation.htm 3 BriefingOverview WhyisLeadaHazardfor...
Lead Hazard Information Pamphlet; Notice of AvailabilityJames Jones
Compliance; Definition of a renovator; Health effects of exposure to lead; Availability of sample copies of the agency's lead-hazard pamphlet.Business Journal