接着根据Id定位初始位置所在的行,应用lag的逻辑即取前1行的Name值,即Id为3取前一行Name为B1,Id为2前一行取到A1,Id为1无前一行返回null,Id为4取前一行返回C1; 同理,剩下的根据以上类推就能得到了 微软文档 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/lead-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver1...
,LEAD(Name,1) over(partition by Age order by Id desc) 'nextName_PAge_IdDesc' ,LAG(Name,1) over(order by Id) 'preName_IdAsc' ,LAG(Name,1) over(order by Id desc) 'preName_IdDesc' ,LAG(Name,1) over(partition by Age order by Id desc) 'preName_PAge_IdDesc' from #TestTable ...
) aWHEREDATEDIFF(HH, a.BeforTime, a.OperatorTime)<24ANDDATEDIFF(HH, a.OperatorTime, a.NextTime)<24ANDa.NoIN(SELECTc.NoFROMdbo.Test cGROUPBYc.NoHAVINGCOUNT(c.No)>1) LAG函数: 作用:访问相同结果集中先前行的数据,而用不使用 SQL Server 2016 中的自联接。 LAG 以当前行之前的给定物理偏移量来...
Lead函数类似于Lag函数,只是Lag函数看起来与Lead函数相反。 也就是说,Lead(n)等效于Lag(-n)。 示例 下例将返回 2001 年 12 月的值: SELECT [Date].[Fiscal].[Month].[February 2002].Lead(-2) ON 0 FROM [Adventure Works] 下例将返回 2002 年 3 月的值: ...
Lag(exp_str,offset,defval) over() Lead(exp_str,offset,defval) over() --exp_str...
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下面SQL语句使用了LEAD和LAG函数: SELECT [id],[title], LAG([id]) OVER (ORDER BY [id]) AS [前一篇主键], LEAD ([id]) OVER (ORDER BY [id]) AS [后一篇主键] FROM [#tsource]
-2021 作者:Leon 译者:ACDU翻译组(@姚雷) 校对:ACDU翻译组(@帽子菌 @Finn) 介绍 在数据科学家岗位的面试中,窗口函数(WINDOW function) 是SQL函数家族中经常会被问到的主题...在最后一个章节,让我们专注于LAG和LEAD,如果你面试的角色需要处理时序数据,这是两个超级重要的的函数。 让我们开始吧!.../questio...
Struggling with a query using LAG: My goal is to get ONE record per customer and show the CURRENT value of a field and the PREVIOS value of a field all in the same record. I guess I'm going about it all wrong. My current query and a snippet of results is
SQL SERVER LEAD AND LAG FUNCTION The following explanation from MSDN LEAD provides access to a row at a given physical offset that follows the current row. Use this analytic function in a SELECT statement to compare values in the current row with values in a following row....