n. (Lead)人名;(英)利德 ※ 提供单词"lead"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 中文词源 lead 带领,领导 来自PIE*leit,向前走,词源同lodestar,lodestone.引申词义引导,领导。 lead 铅 来自Proto-Germanic*lauda,铅,可能进一步来自PIE*ploud,流动,流体,词源同plumb,plumber.因铅是一种易...
lead [li:d] n. 领导;铅;导线;石墨;榜样 vt. 领导;致使;引导;指挥 vi. 领导;导致;用水砣测深 adj. 带头的;最重要的 同义词 n.atomic number 82,lead-in,principal,track v.conduct,extend,head,leave 反义词 n.deficit v.follow 参考例子
[P]线索a piece of information that may lead to a discovery or to sth being settled 英英释义 lead[ [li:d], [led] ] n. a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey ...
leadIELTS重点词汇 英[liːd] [NOUN, VERB] 词汇频率: NOUN. 名词 leads 1.[SING 单数型名词]领先地位 If you have the lead or are in the lead in a race or competition, you are winning. 双语例句 例: Harvard took the lead and remained unperturbed by the repeated challenges. ...
Lead 发音生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 近义词 近义词: Lage 词 Leader瑞] <体>领先;Senior年长者,老前辈;Solution解;Developer开发商;Customer顾客;Artist杂演员;Track轨道;Bass低音部;Inside内;Executive执行;Forward向前; 德语专业词典 【理】
是什么意思 释义 领先; 英英释义 in the lead adj.having the leading position or higher score in a contest 同义词:ahead(p)leading adv.leading or ahead in a competition 同义词:aheadout front 学习怎么用 双语例句 The first drink Thursday was on the house in the leading saloon. ...
lead-in ['li:d'in] n. 导入;天线引入线;与广告播放有关的节目 adj. 引入的 同义词 n.lead,lede 参考例子 1.Lead-in: Talk about the names of your favorite band, book and movie. 让学生说说自己喜爱的乐队组合、书籍、电影的名字,进入话题。
19.An ordinary cold can soonlead toa fever. 一场普通的感冒很快便引起高烧。 20.Aggression by one nationality against another oftenleads towar. 一个国家对另一国家的挑衅经常道致战争。 声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎...
leadswinging英音: ['ledswiŋiŋ] 美音: ['ledswiŋiŋ] 名词 躲避工作, 装病相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体) N. P. N. 【医】 非蛋白氮 chen n. yang n. 杨振宁 R. N. 1. registered nurse 注册护...