AEC 7 is a borehole drilled in western Lea County, New Mexico, in section 31, T.21S.,R.32E. AEC 7 was drilled to 3918 feet in 1974 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Sandia deepened the hole to 4732 ft in 1979. The borehole provided stratigraphic and lithologic information in the ...
Three dimensional Grayburg Formation (Permian) sequence stratigraphy, Eunice Monument South Unit, Lea County, New MexicoLindsay, Robert F
NM Ready Mix proudly provides concrete, sand, & gravel to Lea County and Roswell, New Mexico. Contact us for more information.
Archaeological Survey of the Ray Westall Operating, Inc. Tonto Federal Well No. 4 and Access Road R / W T19S, R32E, Section 12 (SE1 / 4SW1 / 4) [660 FSL, 1980 FWL]. Lea County, New Mexico 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 17 作者:...
Pore Structure characterization of reservoir and source rocks in the Bone Spring Formation, Lea County, New mexicoJordan Ross Bevers
Lane, Terre AMoritz, Richard DMuller, S. C. and R. Galyen. 2009. Polyhalite Resources and a Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Ochoa Project Lea County, Southeast New Mexico. Prepared for Trigon Uranium Corporation, August 19, 2009, 258 p....
Archaeological Survey of the Ray Westall Operating, Inc. Paladin Federal Well No. 4 and Access Road R / W T19S, R33E, Section 19 (NW1 / 4NE1 / 4) [330 FNL, 1980 FEL]. Lea County, New Mexico 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 22 作者:...
BellPaduca FieldLEDThis study uses microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic data to characterize the depositional environments and reservoir distribution of the Ramsey Sand of the Bell Canyon Formation in the Paduca Field, Lea County, New Mexico. For various reasons, projected recovery in the field ...
Reservoir Compartmentalization in the San Andres Formation of Vacuum Field, Lea County, New Mexico—Peritidal Deposits and Karst Overprints Create Vertical and Lateral Barriers to Fluid Flow in Carbonate Platform Dolopackstones and Dolograinstones
Study of Producing Ramsey Sandstones in the Bell Canyon Formation of the Delaware Basin: Paduca Field, Lea County, New MexicoSTUDY OF PRODUCING RAMSEY SANDSTONE SANDS IN THE BELL CANYON FORMATION OF THE DELAWARE BASIN: PADUCA OILFIELD, LEA COUNTY, NM, USA (South-Central Section - 49th Annual...