The authors studied the outcome of Rorschach tests on 28 transsexuals who had applied for sex reassignment surgery. The results were analysed on a 63-item grid. The transsexuals and the control group were matched by biological sex, age and education level. For the interpretation of the results,...
Historically used as an instrument of neuropsychological as well as personality assessment, the Rorschach test has a special status within this dichotomy. Due to its numerous neuropsychological correlations, and particularly when used according to Exner’s Comprehensive System and its cognitive ...
Rorschach1989 / pixyll roselleebarle04 / pixyll royletron / pixyll rraggl / pixyll rubydubee / rudimk / pixyll rurza / pixyll rustielin / pixyll Ryan-Holben / Ryanshafer / pixyll sagarj-clarion / pixyll ...
Le modele de personnalite en cinq facteurs et le test de Rorschach. Psychol. Fr. 49, 81-94.Petot, J.-M. (2004). Le modele de personnalite en cinq facteurs et le test de Ror- schach [The five-factor model and the Rorschach test]. Psychologie Francaise, 49, 81-94....
Methods – M-Fs ( n = 28) and transvestites ( n = 15) were individually administered the MMPI and the Rorschach test and were compared to each other and to a male control group ( n = 10). Results – Regarding frequency of cross-gender responses on card III, M-Fs ...
Firstly, semi-structured psychoanalytical preinterviews were conducted, and after the pre-interviews, the Rorschach Test and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) were applied. The findings obtained from the projective tests were coded according to the French School coding system and i...
Evelyn Lamb
It consists in comparing the results of the Rorschach test at the beginning (t1) and at a later stage of the therapy (t2). We assume that four properties (determinants, reaction to symmetry, recurence, contents of the response) are likely to show changes that reflect the patient's ...
Since the 1920s, the Rorschach test has been widely used for the study of neurological populations. However, advances in the field of neuropsychology in the 1960s made it cease to be considered appropriate in this context. More recently, with the development of Exner's Comprehensive System and...
In order to test our first hypothesis regarding the study of psychological and family vulnerabilities, we chose several tools: the non-directive research interview and the projective tests Rorschach, TAT, family drawing and house drawing. In order to test our second hypothesis regarding the ...