【马赛系】两副牌到手..马赛系两副牌 Le Tarot Noir 和 Tarot de Marseille by Camoin and Jodorowsky合照:Tarot de Marseille by Camoin
【马赛塔罗】Le Tarot de Marseille(the T…,堆糖图片。堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区。拥有几十亿高清优质图片,数千万用户的珍藏分享,一键收藏下载美图,点亮生活无限灵感,做你的美好研究所:情侣头像,手机壁纸,表情包,头像,壁纸,高清壁纸,图片,壁纸图片,图片下载。
In terms of visuals, each card involved a lot of “exploration”, working out a fine balance of shapes and references that would fit inside the slender frames. Marina also looked to traditional decks – like the Tarot de Marseille and Rider-Waite decks – while “sprinkling” in her own s...