Annales De ChirurgieJ.-M.Bamvita, A.Lavoie, D.Clas, J.Demers, E.Trottier, E.Bergeron. (2006) Le scanner cérébral chez les adultes victimes de traumatismes crâniens mineurs : un arbre décisionnel. Annales de Chirurgie 131 , 250-255 /...
Bacterial pneumonia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Ann Intern Med (1986) K. Domoua et al. Étiologies des pleurésies purulentes chez les patients infectés par le VIH à Abidjan (RCI) Bull Soc Pathol Exot (2006) There are more references available in the full text versi...
Le syndrome de Peter Pan (ou la fameuse transition enfant/ado) L’adolescence, l’âge ingrat. L’âge où dans une même journée, ta fille passe de la Barbie au magazine de filles où elle s’amuse à répondre au test « Quel est ton homme de rêve? ». Ou l’âge où...
Topics include the symptoms of the disorder, statistics concerning the sexual behavior and employment and graduation rates of teenagers and young adults affected by ADHD, and methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disorder.NugentPsychiatreconsultantKevinPsychiatreconsultantActualite Medicale...
A total of 30 pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats and 30 adult rats were divided into 3 equal groups according to the treatments instituted during the pregnancy period (20 days) with subcutaneous daily injections of Aroclor 1254 (2 mg/kg/day) alone or associated with vitamin E (50 mg/kg/day) or...
VAILLANCOURT, J. M.-F. Les strategies d'apprentissage du francais langue seconde chez des adultes dans le milieu universitaire (disertačni prace). [online] Simon Fraser University, Institutional Repository, 2008. [cit. 4. 11. 2009] Dostupne na: ...
For the later (facial paralysis), there is no VIH symptom.doi:10.1016/S0248-8663(05)81528-0Nizisabira, L.Dumas, M.Niyongabo, Th.Vallat, J.M.Kamamfu, G.Ndayiragije, A.Aubry, P.La Revue De Médecine Interne
This prepares the teams that organise the management of such patients to being faced with the problems of compliance to antiretrovirals.doi:10.1016/S0755-4982(04)98683-6G. GourvellecX. AnglaretS. TouréC. HuëtR. SalamonElsevier Masson SASLa Presse Médicale...
wasting syndromeSummary Denutrition is often observed in HIV-infected patients, with, however, a particularity: a relatively elevated depletion of fat-free mass, which would have a prognostic effect on survival, and also an impact on patients quality of life. Importance of the evocated ...
Syndrome coronarien aigu avec sus-décalage du segment ST chez les jeunes adultes: le bilan de thrombophilie a-t-il un intérêt?STEMIYoung adultsThrombophiliaHomocysteinemiaJAK2Coronary lesions characteristics as well as patient thrombogenicity can explain coronary events manifestation. In young patient...