Following on from Howard Bloch's investigation of a 'refusal of univocal meaning' in the thirteenth-century Roman de Silence, this article examines the poem as inviting critics to investigate the collapse of binary systems such as male/female, in/out, language/silence, learned/natural, reward/...
Le silence des passions : romanJ. Pancrazi
If we think the repression begun during the Roman Empire and with Catholic church, we could consider psychoanalysis only the last ideology repressing the agathoi-psychosoma and its sophrosyne (wisdom). The fear of ethic-professional implication in the transfert indicates a level of immaturity in th...
Yang quotes Butler as saying “SF gives me the chance to create worlds that do not exist – worlds in which problems are handled in different ways – or in which there are different problems”, and it certainly seems that the traditional way of looking at the modern world and what needed ...
“No, Amadou, I’m not selling. I’ve told you before: this is where I’ve lived my entire life, and no person on earth, not even Sally Thuggs, is going to make me move. Besides where would I go?” Harriet moved her fork and put the napkin on her lap. Sitting in silence they...
Roman de SilenceSilenceThe handling of gender in the Old French Roman de Silence has caused considerable scholarly conflict because the poem simultaneously endorses two competing and mutually irreconcilable gender ideologies. Asserting that gender is essential and its boundaries inviolate—even as its ...
Classen, AlbrechtQuidditas
See Sharon Kinoshita, “Heldris de Cornuälle’s Roman de Silence and the Feudal Politics of Lineage,” PMLA 110 (1995): 397–409.Kinoshita, Sharon. "Heldris de Cornualle's Roman de Silence and the Feudal Politics of Lineage." PMLA 110 (1995): 397-409....
Out of the Woods: The Nature of Gender in Le Roman de Silencedoi:10.1093/isle/isae083Malcolm AylinISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
Performance-based exploration of the thirteenth-century Le Roman de Silence can extend discussions of ambiguity by clarifying the experience of the sound of the poem. Homonymic terminology breaks down the boundary between performer and text, while metaperformance elements impose identities of characters ...