Le Mans Race is part of Motorsport Travel Destinations, the leading tour operator at Le Mans. Book your package today
#80 Jul 8, 2023 I've compared pictures of the 499P at Le Mans Classic and during the Maranello parade. They're not the same car, unless a number of decals have been rearranged. Which is very unlikely. Also the 24h Le Mans decals are missing on the LMC car. Instead, it has the...
(腕表型号:RM 11-02 Le Mans Classic) 盛大的勒芒老爷车赛 勒芒老爷车赛 2016年,是勒芒老爷车赛的第八个年头。勒芒老爷车赛重现长达80年的赛车历史,欢迎世界著名车赛中排名靠前的赛车和车手参加。本届比赛将于周五开赛,首场比赛为C组车赛,这也是在勒芒赛事中首次以C组车发出的第一声引擎轰鸣。110000名观众,...
Austin Healey 100/M BN2 ‘Le Mans’, year 1955. One of the only 640 factory built 100/M cars! Matching numbers, a Heritage document is present to confirm this. Colour Carmine red combined with a black leather interior trimmed with red piping. This rare and very desirable Austin Healey 10...
2018 年度的利曼经典车赛(Le Mans Classic)刚于 7月 6 日至 8 日在法国利曼赛道圆满举行。一如过去 16 年,本届赛事仍然由里查德米尔 (Richard Mille)担任其官方合作伙伴,品牌亦延续传统,推出了专为赛事打造的全新时计RM 11-03 Le Mans Classic 腕表,全球仅限量发行 150 枚。
Plans are also afoot for an additional meeting in 2023. The Le Mans Classic Centenary Edition, in July 2023, will be part of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. The organising team explained it was keen to take the decision about this year’s race now...
今年,Richard Mille将推出RM 11-02 Le Mans Classic腕表。这款为赛事度身打造的腕表,采用5级钛合金自动机芯,并配备可变几何结构自动盘、万年历、世界时间(UTC)显示、24小时飞返计时和倒计时等功能。RM 11-02 LMC腕表彰显这项历史性赛事的特色,腕表机芯、白色ATZ陶瓷表圈及NTPT®碳纤维表冠的橡胶垫圈等零件中...
Original super rare Euro 1976 930 turbo with clean California title. This is a nice straight 1976 turbo chassis # 9306700268, which was converted into a track day car with a Kremer K3 style bo
延续一贯传统,RICHARD MILLE将推出专为赛事打造的全新时计——极具运动气息的RM 11-03 Le Mans Classic腕表,全球限量发行仅150只。这是第一款应用白色陶瓷材质的RM 11-03腕表,该腕表采用神秘的英国赛车绿色装饰,呈现纯粹的利曼经典车赛风范。
Richard Mille030 LE MANS CLASSIC AO Ti ATZ - 流浪的徐先生于20241024发布在抖音,已经收获了2702个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!