Locate the closest Le Labo store near you. Smell you soon.
Le Labo正式宣布開設台南首間形象店鋪,扎根這座古城。 意即法語中「the laboratory」的縮寫,代表「實驗室」。我們將店鋪設計為工藝實驗室,與台南分享慢工香氛的匠心,這裡更是探索之地,讓你自由漫遊,發現香氛、室內、身體及理容的各式作品。 店舖選址於台南百年歷史街屋「五福商店」,建於 1930 年代,位在日治時期曾...
Explore Le Labo's fine fragrances in personalized perfumes, candles, shampoo, lotion and more. Shop women's and men's signature scents online.
在Highland Park Village 購買 Le Labo——手工香水和奢華身體護理品,採用獨特的手工混合香味精心打造,帶來個人化體驗。
Le Labo 正式宣布開設台南首間形象店鋪,扎根這座古城。 意即法語中「the laboratory」的縮寫,代表「實驗室」。我們將店鋪設計為工藝實驗室,與台南分享慢工香氛的匠心,這裡更是探索之地,讓你自由漫遊,發現香氛、室內、身體及理容的各式作品。 店舖選址於台南百年歷史街屋「五福商店」,建於 1930 年代,位在日治時期...
Le Labo has a new flagship in Kyoto’s Shimokorikicho, Nakagyo-ku neighbourhood, a celebration of Japanese heritage and craftsmanship
© Le Labo kyoto le labo le labo café store opening ストアオープニング ル ラボ ル ラボ 京都町家 京都 京都市 京都市中京区木屋町通四条上る2丁目下樵木町206番地 September 29, 2023 Moscow: EVE&ESTHER store opening New Shops July 11, 2022 Surabaya: Locaāhands restaurant opening New...
LE LABO AnOther 13 Body Lotion 237ml ¥800.00 Bestseller You may also like More from Beauty LE LABO Womens perfume Eau de parfum Recommended for you Never miss a thing Sign up for exciting product launches & offers, inspiring content, and extraordinary in-store events ...
The Le Labo bakery and café on the second floor. The reading area in the Le Labo store. Known for its freshly poured perfumes, Le Labo is still awaiting the local fire department’s approval before the Shanghai store sales associates, or “Souls,” can execute the ritualistic sealing proce...
ABOUT THE BRANDLe Labo's instantly recognizable labels first appeared on the New York beauty scene in 2006. Each soulful fragrance is freshly blended at the time of purchase, and the full array of products extends to nourishing, plant-based and genderless body, hair and skincare. Names like ...